Christmas Gifts for an Infant

All of our family members are on top of it with their Christmas shopping this year (unlike me!) and have asked for ideas for Rowan, so I've been racking my brain trying to think of things for his Christmas list.

I have known for a while that I wanted to get Rowan the Pottery Barn Kids Anywhere Chair but beyond that, I was having a hard time thinking of other options since the kid has more toys than an infant could possibly need. Then, after calling in reinforcements from Laura and Stephanie since they know what works for a baby in Rowan's age range, it hit me that I had to think more practically.

The "larger infant but not yet toddler" age range can be tough for gift giving, and I know Rowan will definitely love tapping on the boxes and ripping the paper off the most. But for the folks who are in the same boat or have babies who are getting more mobile, here are a few of Rowan's favorites and some that I've added to his list!


We love these Bumkins bibs. They catch at least half of the finger food Rowan drops, which is a win in my book, plus they are super easy to clean. I also like these disposable bibs for in my diaper bag and plan to get Rowan some snack jars.

We were having a hard time keeping Rowan from standing in the bathtub so one day I moved him closer to the spout. After seeing his reflection in the hardware, he didn't try to stand up once! Vain, I know, but this bathtub mirror is a genius distraction that comes with bathtub crayons for when he is a little older. Other bathtub toys like this octopus and this floating plane are on his list to keep him busy. 

Play + Learn

Rowan is a big fan of reading at the moment so we're all about the books, especially festive ones like the Little Blue Truck's Christmas and Olive the Other Reindeer. I always search for books at Marshalls and TJ Maxx!

Those stores are also really good for finding Melissa & Doug toys under $10, like puzzles and this shape sorter.

Two other favorites for Rowan in the older infant stage have been this V Tech Activity Cube and the Sit-to-Stand Walker. He loves the lights and starts to dance the moment the music starts! And I swear the cube encouraged him to sit up (he loved being on his belly before) and he just started attempting to walk with the walker!


I'm putting all of Baby Gap in the "want" list and you know its just because this mama cannot handle the cuteness. But I also love shopping small so the first thing I picked up was a Zubels knit dog doll. Its so soft, I know he is going to love it! I used the code SM25 for 25% off.  (Also I'm not getting paid to tell you how much I love Zubels products, they are just an affordable alternative to other knit dolls!)

I also really love Shop LuLu and Roo sweatpants (Rowan has these), Slouch Headwear beanies, all things monogrammed (like this adorable seersucker backpack), and Pehr bins for toy storage. FYI these bins fit IKEA storage units perfectly and come in tons of cute designs!

So there you have it! Lots of very affordable, small things to throw in a stocking or wrap up for some good photos by the tree! Anyone else thinking more practical gift for your little ones this year?!


  1. That's a really good list for infants. It's easy to go overboard and get every single toy. You probably already have, but one of my son's favorite toys at that age (and for a long time) were stacking cups. We had a few varieties, and he played with them all, but we really lloved the green toys one. As he got mobile, we'd stack them and he'd crawl or walk over to knock it down. The game never got old!!!

  2. That walker is on the top of Nancy's list too! ;) xx

  3. great list! we love our Pottery Barn Kids Anywhere Chair

  4. So funny about the mirror in the bath tub! I mean, I get it. He's so adorable!!

  5. Great post!! Our niece is 3 weeks old today and has way too many clothes so I wanted to get something she can use when she gets a little older and there's no gifting holidays. That sit and stand walker is perfect!

  6. For some reason, I love the look of kids books! Can't wait to start buying these one day!

  7. Presley had that walker but in pink and she adores it. Seriously one of the best gifts we were given!

  8. These are all perfect ideas! The anywhere chairs are great and my boys love them. I think we'll be using them for many years to come.


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