Friday Favorites

I'm not sure how it's already Friday but I'll take it! I've got a quick roundup for you of my favorites from the past two weeks since I've been a super good blogger and haven't shared one of these posts in a while...
 Linking up with April!

One. Gorgeous Jewelry Dish by the Painted Press (+ 20% off!)

Coordinates Dish c/o The Painted Press. Bluzy Druzy Ring by Wrenn Jewelry.
If you follow on Instagram you got a glimpse of this gorgeous Painted Press jewelry dish which has found its new home in our guest bedroom (reveal coming soon!). It honestly reminds me of something you'd find in Anthropologie and I love fact that its handmade! Natalie is super creative and I'm pretty obsessed with her floral paintings, like on this floral monogram dish.

Because she is the sweetest, Natalie offered a 20% discount to Home Sweet Ruby readers!! Just use the code HOMESWEETRUBY. Perfect timing for holiday orders- these would be really sweet, personalized gifts for your mom or sister! For every order placed between now and November, Natalie and her team are putting an item (like socks, toothpaste, etc) into an Operation Christmas Child box. How great is that?!

Head on over to see more here, including some drool-worthy prints, coasters, and coffee mugs!

Two. Festive PJs and books

Carter's Seleton Pajamas. Babylit Frankenstein book. Playmat.
We're feeling pretty festive over here lately, and I think we can officially check a few things off of our Fall To Do list thanks to these cute skeleton pjs and our newest addition to the Halloween book collection. See also, giant baby feet above. I just love them.

Three. Pumpkin Chocolate Chip Cream Cheese bread. 

I made this bread to take over to Ally's when I visited their sweet little boy this week and I thought it was good. I mean, nothing too special but the cream cheese adds an extra flavor if you're looking for something different! FYI The recipe makes a TON, like a huge loaf of bread plus 20 muffins. I'm trying to be as basic as possible and bake a few more pumpkin things this Fall... anyone have some recs?!

Four. Playroom Organization

Land of Nod Knit Storage Bins. Toy Box. Gallery Wall Clips.

We have a weird sunroom area behind our dining table that hasn't gotten any use since we moved in, so we decided to turn it into a playroom for Rowan until he gets bigger and can use the loft space upstairs. But since its visible from the living area and kitchen I'm trying to be really meticulous about keeping it clutter free. Hoping to pick up some of these soft toy bins, clips to hang his artwork (his daycare did little foot prints for Halloween, so cute!) and a toy box to hide everything! What are some other good things to add?! I need to put some things on Rowan's Christmas list!

Five. Old Navy Cardigans

PSA: I stopped by Old Navy this week and I have to say I love their cardigans this Fall! I picked up this solid handkerchief hem cardigan to throw on with tanks around the house or to wear for errands and had to exercise serious restraint to hold off on buying several others!

Hope you all have a fun Fall weekend!


  1. That rings dish is adorable!! Love the gold leaf look on the top edge too.
    I'm all about the cardigans!! They are so cute and comfy!

  2. the little dish is so cute! and i need to make the pumpkin bread -- sounds delicious! see you soon! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  3. I love that dish!! That bread sounds delicious!! Happy Friday :)

  4. Love that cardigan! I've been living in them over camis for the past few weeks!

  5. I love the pumpkin bread! Thanks so much for bringing it to me! I need that ON cardigan! Perfect for leggings and nursing tanks since that's all I'm wearing these days! Enjoy this awesome weekend!
    Ally - Life as I know it

  6. I just found some skeleton jammies for my daughter! They are so cute! That bread looks yummy. I might make some this weekend :)

  7. I love that jewelry dish! I need to check out Natalie's shop. Have a great weekend!

  8. Old navy always kills it when it comes to cardigans! Love em

  9. That bread sounds AMAZING! And I love the festive PJs, so cute!

  10. Give me all of the pumpkin bread!! It looks amazing! And now I'm going to have to schedule in a stop to Old Navy this week... hope you're having a good weekend!

  11. That pumpkin bread sounds heavenly! And love that sweet painted dish! xo, Champagne&Suburbs

  12. A lot of good Friday favorites. I especially love the little PJs. Would love for you to stop by my latest post.



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