Disney, Weddinging, and the week of no sleep

Y'all it feels so good to be home!

We had a wonderful long weekend in Florida but there is something about getting home and back into the swing of things that is rejuvenating.

I mentioned last week that Rowan was congested (thank you mamas for all of the recommendations!) but he is still feeling under the weather so we've got a Pediatrician visit, mountains of laundry, and errands on the menu today. Not only is he still sick but we think he is also cutting another tooth and going through separation anxiety as he would not sleep the past week unless we were holding him. So basically what I'm saying is give me allllll of the under eye cream and coffee today.

And despite all of this, Rowan was still his happy self during his Disney visit! We love the Epcot Food and Wine festival so we used it as an excuse to take Rowan to meet Mickey.

I'm pretty sure he recognized the characters since we let him watch Mickey Mouse Clubhouse while he eats his solids during breakfast and it was so funny seeing his reaction. It went from excited (babbling and smiling), to unsure as the characters got closer to him, and then to trying to grab and eat their noses. ha!

Rowan passed out for most of the trip "around the world," which was great because I got to stuff my face with spanikopita at the Greece tent, some delicious chicken dish I couldn't pronounce and sangria in Mexico, brats in Germany and pierogies at the Poland tent. Oh and a pumpkin spice funnel cake in the America section. So.freaking.good.

Nothing like taking family photos after you sweat in the Florida heat for a few hours. But seriously, this kid is such a ham I love him so much!

We also headed to the most beautiful wedding in Boca Grande on Saturday. The food was probably the best I've ever had at a wedding and the venue was straight out of old Florida. Think Rayburn House from Bloodline with a golf course view instead of the ocean mixed with Lilly Pulitzer. There were a lot of ridiculous dance moves that night.

We have so many fun things coming up... a trip to the pumpkin patch with Rowan's girlfriend Violet, visiting Ally's sweet baby boy, family photos, and more. Loving this Fall so far!

Hope you've all had a wonderful weekend!


  1. Yay for quick fun trips down to Florida! Y'all managed to squeeze a lot in while you were down there. Enjoy all of the fun things that you have coming up!

  2. I'm sorry Rowen is still not feeling well! Cam had those symptoms when he was/is teething too :/ Not fun! I love that he recognized the characters from Mickey Mouse Clubhouse! Cam would love to see them in person! Love the dress you wore to the wedding! Drink lots of coffee!!!

  3. What a great trip! Sounds like Disney was a huge success! Hope Rowan feels better

  4. Pumpkin spice funnel cake. So wrong but so right.

  5. Sorry R is still under the weather! My little man got a cold that turned into an ear infection when we started daycare too. I hope you guys don't have to deal with that! So jealous you guys did Disney. I love that Rowan recognized some of the characters! Start 'em young. :)

  6. Oh man, I hope Rowan feels better soon! So glad you guys got to have fun at Disney though! And you looked so pretty at the wedding!

  7. Hoping the babe feels better soon!! At least Disney was a hit :)!!! Xx

  8. Hurray for a Polish tent!! And pumpkin spice funnel cake sounds DIVINE! Did Ally already have her baby?

  9. oh man I hope Rowan feels better soon and you guys all get some sleep!! Hopefully the pediatrician had some answers -- and medicine!! I've never been a huge disney fan but I know I'll want to take Violet there when she's a little older, and now I'm looking forward to all that FOOD! :) Can't wait for this weekend! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  10. Aw, hope he feels better, and what a great trip!

  11. Looks like fun... except the sleep and sick part! :( Hope you guys get the much needed rest you're looking for!

  12. Drooling over the food and how cute is Rowan with Goofy?! He's really not so sure about him, haha! We grew up going to Disney so I'm already so excited to take my future children one day! Hope the little guy feels better soon!

  13. Those monogrammed ears are darling on him:)


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