
My husband and I are not spontaneous people. Not even in college when we had zero responsibilities. But something about the fact that: A) there were no signs in the labor department and B) we never managed to take a babymoon, got the ball rolling for a last minute trip to Savannah on Sunday.

I probably wouldn't advise others to attempt such a trip at 37 weeks pregnant, but I figured walking would only help get this babe moving in the right direction. You know, with gravity and everything. My giant, swollen feet are now paying the price but it was such a perfect day, I don't even mind.

True to form, our first stop was somewhere to eat. We had never been to Savannah so with Ruby in tow we walked down the riverfront and settled on Tubby's Seafood for its perfect 2nd floor outdoor terrace.

Ruby thoroughly enjoyed her view of the street and our food was delicious. Fried green tomato BLT with hush puppies? Yes, please.

How fun are these walkways to the front door?!

We wandered around the Bay Street, Broughton Street (passing up Leopold's Ice Cream on account of the absurdly long line), Forsyth Park and the City Market. We also stopped by the Old Pink House for a picture.

Savannah reminds me a lot of Charleston with its massive Southern homes, charming old buildings, and delicious food. Though with what seemed to be an open carry law I'm pretty sure it would be a great time with a margarita and sans a baby in my belly.

I wish we had more time to explore (and eat again) but it was the perfect day trip before we become a family of three + a pup!

I hope you all had a great long weekend!


  1. What a fun trip! Savannah definitely resembles Charleston a LOT! Glad you had a great trip!!

  2. Y'all had a gorgeous day & perfect weather for a spontaneous trip down to Savannah! Glad you were able to go!

  3. Love Savannah! Glad you guys had fun....and yes, gotta love that open carry!

  4. Oh boy - Savannah is just the best!! I love that you guys were able to sneak away before the little one comes!! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  5. what a great trip to go on! Glad you had such a great day

  6. I'm glad you guys had a good time! I told H the other night we need to plan a day trip to Savannah soon! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  7. Fun! I've always wanted to visit Savannah. Glad you had a good time and hope hubby gives you a nice foot rub!

  8. sooo pretty! I haven't been since I was little! Almost too little to remember it actually, so I would LOVE to go back again!

  9. Savannah is such a great city to make weekend trips. Looks like you had a great time!

  10. I am super jealous of your trip to Savannah. I lived there for 3 years when I went to SCAD. Savannah is such a beautiful city, but a lot of walking is required.

  11. Gorgeous Pictures! When we went in July, it was too humid to get any good photos! My lens would just fog up from the air conditioning to the humidity outside! So I'm sure now is the perfect time to go!!! Love this city! :))

  12. OMG how fun! I've never been to Savannah before but I want to go sometime. I hear its gorgeous and has amazing food! Love all your pics! Glad you got a trip in before your family expands!

  13. Such a fun little get away! I've been dying to visit Savannah - it just seems so gorgeous and quaint! Definitely didn't know about the open carry law but I appreciate that ;) Only 3ish more weeks for ya!!

  14. I looove Savannah- the open container law is only for the historic district. We did a carriage ride at night, and was told a bunch of ghost stories that were kind of neat. By that point in the evening, Leopold's was EMPTY, it was the perfect time to go! -Dorrie @ Bear Den Plantation

  15. What a fun trip! So glad you guys were able to go. I've only been like one time, can you believe that? The time I went we ate at Paula Deen's restaurant. Talk about Southern food. Hopefully all that walking got Rowan moving!
    Ally - Life as I know it

  16. Savannah is one of my favorite cities, and I agree it is very similar to Charleston. Forsyth Park is probably my favorite park. The last time I was there we hit up Paula Deen's restaurant and OMG it was so good...but I think I ate like 5 lbs of butter...ha!

  17. This comment has been removed by the author.

  18. Next time you go you have to eat at The Olde Pink House. I'm pretty sure the dinner we had there was the best meal of my life!

  19. I love you take your pup along with you :) That speaks to my dog lovin' heart

  20. I'm so glad you got away! We need a girls trip later on where you can enjoy that open container law ok ;)

  21. Savannah is GREAT! The Old Pink House was wonderful! We ate in the tavern / bar. GREAT food!

  22. So glad you got to sneak in a last minute trip!! The food sounds delicious!

  23. Oh man, those pictures are beautiful-- Savannah is definitely on my bucket list! I am glad you guys got a chance to get away before baby makes his debut!

  24. So glad you were able to sneak in a babymoon. Savannah looks beautiful!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  25. Looks like so much fun! Good for you getting away :) Hope the pregnancy is going great!

  26. What a perfect day for a trip!! That fried green tomato BLT sounds wonderful!


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