Life Lately

Life when you're 38 weeks pregnant looks like this...

Plan as many lady dates as you can before you pop.

Last weekend Ally, Jillian, Shelby and I hit up Candlefish in downtown Charleston for a candlemaking workshop. It was such a fun experience! Scent numbers 23 and 60 were my favorites! And I can't forget to mention the inside of Candlefish has such a fun, loft-ish vibe. Definitely worth a visit if you're a local or visiting the King Street area!

Aprons are so stylish on baby bumps.
Make sure that said lady dates revolve around shoving delicious food in your swollen prego face. 

This weekend I crossed off another restaurant on my Charleston to-do list, Butcher and Bee. I got the "Macmuffin" and it was so damn good, I highly recommend. Doesn't everyone have their brunch with a side of cookies?

Ignore swollen feet, continue to clean every inch of the house and finally finish the nursery.

This includes reorganizing the babe's clothes for the 14th time... and admiring his tiny shoe collection. (Note the ridiculousness of babies wearing shoes before they can walk but buy them anyway)

Get a haircut and cry on your way home because they cut too much off (thanks hormones!). Then get home and realize you kind of like it...

Focus so much on finishing the nursery that you become a bad blogger. Hoping to make this up to y'all tomorrow with a really fun giveaway! :) Don't miss it!

I hope you all had a great weekend! And if you're one of my Northern friends, hoping the snow is kind to you this week!


  1. I was just thinking about you this morning and wondering how many weeks you were! So glad you got some girl time in and look at all those tiny little booties!!!! So darling!!!!

  2. Those baby shoes are just too cute!! Your brunch looks fabulous too and if I had it my way, every meal would come with a side of cookie. :) Hope you're having a great day girl!

  3. Oh my goodness! Your little one has so many cute shoes!

  4. Looks like a fun weekend! Love all of those cute baby shoes!!

  5. Yum! Lunch looks delish! You look amazing. Don't worry instead of writing a post last night I watched the Pro bowl with my hubby and put my feet up. We're pregnant it's allowed ;)

  6. Tiny baby shoes have to be the cutest thing ever! You're looking awesome for 38 weeks, hard to believe it's the final countdown!! Can't wait to see the nursery :)

  7. Hang in there you're so close!! Those baby shoes are too much! My nursery is almost finished too... Now that Matthew is almost 3 months old :)

  8. Those shoes are too cute! I've never heard of this candle making shop but sounds like something I need to do when I'm back in town. Can't wait to see the final nursery product!

  9. Looks like a great weekend! You look super cute in the apron. :)

  10. So happy you like your haircut now!! Rowan's shoes are too precious.
    Ally - Life as I know it

  11. Glad you got a little pampering in these last few weeks! Now put up those feet and light an amazing homemade candle and relax ;)

  12. Love that you ladies had such a fun get-together...I would love to try a candlemaking workshop!

  13. You and Jillian are too adorbs. You're making me want more Freshly Picked mocs. My lil' lady bean has quite a rainbow of colors. Haha!


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