38 Weeks

Whoa belly!

How far along: 38 weeks! Also known as 5338 weeks pregnant.

Size of Baby:  My app says a swiss chard (whatever that is) but lets just tell it like it is, he's fully cooked!

Gender: baby boy

Best/Worst moment this week:  Finishing the nursery! And not going into labor while my husband was out of town...

This week was a tough one because we lost my husband's Grandfather, one of Rowan's two namesakes, and I couldn't be there with my husband and his family at the funeral. We are so sad that he didn't get to meet Rowan but we know he is watching over his great-grandson from above.

Weight gain: +36lbs. Just keeping it real here folks.

Maternity clothes: Even maternity shirts are starting to get tight. See above.

Stretch marks: Happy to say my belly is free from stretch marks (just some broken capillaries near the old belly button piercing, which according to my OB will go away). On the other hand, the ladies have matching stretch marks (and their own zip code these days) so take it from me and apply that lotion to other places besides your belly!

Belly button in or out: Still half in, half out

Wedding Rings on or off: Can't wait to wear these again!

Sleep: Actually slightly better, I think out of sheer exhaustion I just sleep through my need to pee five thousand times.

Miss anything: Being in the "cute" stage of pregnancy as opposed to the "feeling like a whale" stage

Movement: Still lots of shifting, stretches, and hiccups. He's really active between 11 PM and 1 AM so clearly we have a night owl on our hands!

Cravings: This kid may or may not be made out of chocolate.

Symptoms: Exhaustion, sore swollen feet, round ligament pains. And my face is officially chubby

Labor Signs: Some cramping but no contractions yet. I wasn't dilated at all last week but I think he has dropped since then so lets hope for some progress at today's appointment!

Nursery: Full reveal coming MONDAY! 

Looking forward to: That moment when I can tell Steve to grab our bags because the babe is on the way :) Who knows, maybe this will be my last bumpdate?!


  1. So many of your answers made me laugh out loud. Especially the chocolate one! I ate so much chocolate with #2 and she's obsessed with the stuff now, unlike her big sister! You're almost there - good luck!!

  2. Hang in there girl!! I'm pretty sure my little guy is all chocolate chip cookies. Ooops. So sorry to hear about the passing of Rowan's great grandfather. Can't wait to see the nursery reveal!!!

  3. Fully cooked!! Yay! Hoping he comes soon for you! And cannot wait to see the nursery on Monday!

  4. Fingers crossed there's some progress today! Can't wait to see the nursery!
    Ally - Life as I know it

  5. sooo excited to see the nursery! good luck at your appointment! :) xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  6. I can't believe how close you are!! Hang in there!! Can't wait to see the nursery!!

  7. He will be here before you know it!! Hang in there!

  8. You are getting so close!! Can't wait to see the nursery!!!

  9. You are almost there- so close! And you ARE still in the cute stage...you look amazing! I can't wait for the nursery reveal!

  10. Cannot wait to see your nursery reveal! I just love the chocolate comment. I am so sorry about Rowan's great grandfather.

  11. Oh lady I am so so excited for you!! Home stretch. The first moment he is placed on your chest is going to feel like a dream. Can't wait for you to soak up all that newborn goodness.

  12. I cannot believe how close you are to meeting Rowan!! Come on kiddo, time to come out and play ;)

  13. I'm 34 weeks pregnant (on Monday) and I am SO DONE with pregnancy, so I can't imagine how you feel (and how I'll feel!!!!) at 38 weeks. But YAY! You are SO close!!!!!!!!

  14. I LOVE how you keep things real! Great advice on lubing up the gals! No one gave me that memo with my first either.... You area almost there mama!!!


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