36 Weeks

It's been so miserable outside lately so today's bumpdate was forced inside. And yes, I totally copied that pregnancy silhouette photo floating around Pinterest. Ignore the double chin, will ya?

How far along: 36 Weeks (aka 9 months! Whoa!)

Size of Baby:  A large cataloupe (19-22 in., 6 lbs)

Gender: sweet little baby boy

Best moment this week: Taking a breastfeeding class, installing the car seat, and seeing some of the crazy positions this big babe gets himself into. When I get up from laying on my side, my stomach is completely shifted to the left and it looks so wild!

Weight gain: +34lbs. Doc says this will slow down a bit so lets hope!

Maternity clothes: Living in leggings, big sweaters, and my husband's t-shirts. I basically feel like a sausage stuffed into all my maternity clothes these days.

Stretch marks: Sadly I think two small stretch marks just appeared yesterday above my old belly button piercing. Ugh!

Belly button in or out: Half in, half out

Wedding Rings on or off: Keeping both rings off just to be safe

Sleep: Sleep has been minimal because of the constant shifting from side to side, which requires so much effort. I don't know how my husband sleeps through it!

Miss anything: Not having water and/or snacks spilled on my shirt, wearing normal clothes, the gym

Movement: Shifting. Punches to the hip bone. Long stretches in all directions. Some movements can be pretty uncomfortable.

Cravings: Cold water, bananas, and just about any sweet I can get my hands on

Symptoms: Still the usual suspects: exhaustion, sore back, and aching feet. The heating pad has been my friend lately!

Labor Signs: Still nothing! My OB says its okay not to have Braxton Hicks so that made me feel better. I start my weekly appointments tomorrow so we'll see how long this babe decides to stay put!

Nursery: Hoping to have the full reveal in the next week or two... until then you get this little sneak peek!
The drapes and pillow still need to be ironed... don't judge.

Looking forward to: Holding my baby boy in my arms, followed closely by an over-sized glass of Pinot Noir.

Thoughts at 9 months:

- At the end of this week we'll officially be full term! I'm excited to hear any news of progress in the labor department (though I seriously doubt there will be any yet).

- We've officially finished all childbirth and breastfeeding classes so we're as prepared as we're going to be in that department. I definitely suggest taking classes if you're prego, they are free at the hospital and the breastfeeding class was really informative.

- Initially I predicted Rowan would be a January baby, despite his February 11th due date. But now I'm thinking he is going to stay put until February 7th and Steve says February 2nd... so we'll see! Anyone have any bets?


  1. Almost full term! That's so exciting! I'm sure you are ready to have your body back soon. :) I love the sneak peak of the nursery! It looks great so far. Can I ask where you got your side table?

  2. You are getting so close!! Those last few weeks are rough (and I only made it to 37.5 weeks)... Your nursery is looking so beautiful! I can't wait to see te rest!!

  3. You're almost there! The sneak peak of the nursery looks great. Fingers crossed that the last few weeks go well for you & Rowan :)

  4. 9 months!! whoohoo!! i think Rowan is going to be a Valentines baby...but for your sake i hope he comes a few days early :) Love the nursery so far!! I'm so excited for you! I'm taking a breastfeeding class tomorrow night so im glad you found it useful. see you saturday! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  5. Oh my goodness - 9 months!! Congratulations girl!! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  6. Loved the sneak peak of the nursery, it looks so good!! You're getting so close now! I'm going to guess February 8th :)

  7. Such a beautiful photo! Congratulations!
    xo Southern Style

  8. I can't believe you're already at 9 months! I remember when you announced it here on the blog. My friend is due on February 12th (also first time, also with a boy) and her telling me feels like yesterday too. I hope the rest of your time is comfortable, painfree, and enjoyable. You're almost there! And the nursery looks so cute!

  9. Can't wait to see when Rowan makes his debut. :) YAY for the nursery sneak peek...still swooning! xx

  10. Love the silhouette photo. You are so close to meeting him!

  11. Such a pretty silhouette!! You are in the home stretch!! Woohoo for full term. I like Feb. 4.

  12. YAY 9 months in the home stretch!!! I hope that everything goes well these last couple of weeks. The nursery looks adorable :)

  13. The nursery looks so cute and calming, love it! Gorgeous silhouette pic too :)

  14. I love a baby bump silhouette more then anything... such a beautiful God given shape :)

  15. February 8th is my birthday so I personally think that's a great day to be born :) You look adorable! Hang in there the last few weeks suck but before you know it that sweet babe will be in your arms and you'll forget about all the aches and pains! I'm so excited for you!

  16. What a beautiful momma! I just love that nursery corner and those book shelves :)

  17. Such a gorgeous shot!! Your moments you’re looking forward to both made me smile :)

  18. I'm due Jan 30, but think it will be Feb 3 -- Full moon :) Love the photo and can't wait for the nursery reveal.

    P.S. I’m giving away a signed copy of The Skinny Confidential: A Babe's Sexy, Sassy Health and Lifestyle Guide on the blog.

    Hope you join in the fun!
    Have a great day!

  19. Love this picture! The highlight of my week was being able to feel Rowan kick! And I almost became that crazy friend who buys your baby tons of clothes because I don't have a kid of my own to buy for! Saks off 5th had some of the cutest baby clothes for half off!!
    Ally - Life as I know it

  20. gorgeous! and I love the nursery sneak peek. I have no doubt in my mind that the nursery will be perfection! You are so good with detail and from some of your DIY projects I've already seen, I know it was put together with lots of love and care :)

  21. Hah wow so crazy how he gets to one side while you sleep! Can't wait to meet the beebie!!!

  22. you're so close! hang in there! also, the spillage is a legit problem...i was covered in food and drinks constantly....so rogue.

  23. So close!! For the fun of it, I'll guess February 9th. :)

  24. You are getting so close! Baby will be here in the next month or so! I'm so excited for you! :)

  25. Stunning picture! Almost makes me cry! 9 months? I've been youtubing delivery stories all day..even over lunch..haha I can't help it!


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