22 Weeks + Nursery Progress!

How far along: 22 weeks

Size of Baby: Spaghetti Squash, though he was measuring a bit ahead at our last ultrasound

Gender: Boy

Best moment this week: Every time I walk into Rowan's newly painted nursery, seeing his perfect little crib and tiny clothes.

Weight gain: +12 lbs. total

Maternity clothes: Yes to maternity tanks, these leggings, and full panel maternity jeans. I splurged on this pair and they are so incredibly soft and comfortable! The weather has been warm during the day so I've been layering with a basic maternity tee and a non-maternity plaid button down.

Stretch marks: None yet!

Belly button in or out: In but starting to flatten

Wedding Rings on or off: On

Sleep: Meh, could be better. Eff you leg cramps.

Miss anything: Missing pumpkin beer and pinot noir (big surprise there)

Movement: Tons! This babe is pretty active but remains elusive to everyone but me. Every time I get my phone out to record it or Steve puts his hand on my belly, he stops moving!

Cravings: Any and all Halloween candy

Symptoms: We're in full nesting mode over here, folks. I think my husband even has a little bit of an organizing bug. I've been tackling every single plastic storage container, closet, and drawer, and loving it.

Also super emotional and can cry over the dumbest things, like this Budweiser "Friends are Waiting" commercial for example. Someone tell me I'm not the only one?!

Nursery: The weather was perfect this weekend so, using Benjamin Moore's "No VOC" paint in Grey Owl, I was able to help my husband paint. I did wear a sweet respirator mask and we opened the windows though, just in case.

I love this color by the way, we may end up using this in another part of our house someday!

Sneak peek of DIY baby mobile supplies and bedding swatch!

The crib is officially built and I started organizing some things in the dresser. I never realized how tiny newborn diapers are! Oh my gosh, so cute!

Looking forward to: Our visitors next week and Asheville with my parents after that! And I'm selfishly excited to take our guests to our favorite restaurants around here... you know you're pregnant when your first priority is food.


  1. Love the colors for the nursery - so soothing and pretty!

  2. LOVE your nursery colors! When I have a baby someday I might have to steal your colors, these are perfect! Hope your leg cramps get better soon!

    <3, Pamela

  3. That commercial gets me every time...and I'm not pregnant :)

  4. YAY for Grey Owl! We used it in our guest room and I'm absolutely loving it, too! Can't wait to see Rowan in his new room :)

  5. This nursery is so perfect - can't wait to see it once it's all complete!

  6. I can't believe you are 22 weeks already. It seems like you were just announcing a few weeks ago. Love the paint color! Can't wait to see all the little details come together. :)

  7. I can't believe how big your belly is getting! And this is the one time I can say that and not get slapped! Love the nursery color! Let's hang out on Friday!

  8. I can't believe how fast your pregnancy is flying by!! Such a cute baby bump picture!!

  9. The nursery is looking great! Love the white and gray!

  10. SO adorable, I love the color palette. And your little bump is the cutest!

  11. You have such a cute bump! I love the softness of the colors you're using in the nursery, can't wait to see the finished product!

  12. oh the dresser and wall color are amazing together....i can't wait to see the finished product!

  13. I am so loving that color. It is truly hard to find a true gray. Some are too blue or too green or too brown but this one is just perfect! and you look fabulous by the way!

  14. Loving the sneak peeks of what you have/have done so far! Baby has started to really show these past few weeks (and he is doing somersaults in anticipation of Tuesday night's dinner haha).

  15. Ha I cried at that too! The dresser is amazing!

  16. Noah was like that too... Crazy movement until my husband would put his hand there to feel it! Oh I was a crier too and it only got worse right after he was born. There was a carters commercial going from birth to the first day of school and it got me every time! I'd even cry just telling people about the commercial!

  17. Love the crib you picked out! and that ON dress is amazing I think I wear mine every week to work :)

  18. Lookin good mama! So excited for yall :)

  19. You looks so cute. Love his name!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  20. eee this post makes me giddy! Fabulous color choices/swatches and I can't wait to see it come together and don't worry- I cry in that commercial too! Whew! xoxo

  21. I'm loving seeing the nursery coming together! It will be straight out of Pottery Barn, I'm sure!! And girllll, I already cry at commercials - I wonder what will happen when I'm pregnant someday!

  22. Looking super cute! Can't wait to see the finished product! :)

  23. Such a cute room! And aren't leg cramps the worst!??!? I had one the other morning and my leg was in pain for three days after that.


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