Ladies Night... at the Gun Range

Hey everyone! I hope your week is going well! Its been a busy one here and I'm so glad its Thursday already!

If you follow me on Instagram, then you already know I went out on Tuesday with some new girlfriends to a local gun range for a ladies night. What an experience!
My husband and I have moved twice in the past two years so its been really hard to meet people and make friends. Luckily, Steve works with some folks our age and we were able to join a softball team here.

Last week, I asked the girls on our team if they'd be willing to go "shoot some guns" with me. I figured they'd think I was crazy, but they were just as excited as I was to try something different bad ass. Most lady dates involve chit chatting over dinner and wine, but that's not how we roll, at least not completely since we did have a pre-gun range drink to settle the nerves!

Background: Where I grew up, almost everyone hunts or has at least shot a gun in their lifetime. But not me. If you're like them, you'll probably be thinking I'm a total pansy for getting excited about shooting a .22 caliber gun!

Anyway, on to the ladies night. It's a one hour class taught by women for women, so we all felt comfortable and weren't intimidated... well, not by the instructor at least. Plus it was just the four of us in the class, so that was pre-tay, pre-tay, pre-tay good. (Larry David, anyone?)

For $30, we got a small group instruction and shot 50 rounds on a semi-automatic pistol and a revolver. We also got a free t-shirt, which as you can see has a really classy design. I realize it technically wasn't free, but humor me because I love free t-shirts.

After a short video, some explanation on gun safety, and a brief instruction on how to load your guns, we were off to the range. At this point, we put on our pink glasses and pink earphones and moseyed over to a station. This is when I just stood there like an idiot waiting for someone to walk me through using these killing machines, but no dice...

What? Sweet baby Jesus... you want me to load this and just shoot away? Don't we need a helmet or Kevlar in case the bullets somehow come out backwards? Is this thing going to kickback on me? Is the shell going to hit me in the face, causing me to freak the hell out and start shooting at the ceiling? I have a history of things ricocheting and coming back to hit me, see the end of this post. What if my new girlfriends decide they don't like me anymore and I don't have a bulletproof box to hide in?

So after all of these thoughts (and my life) flash through my head, I finally raise my hand and the nice lady comes over and helps me load the gun. Whew.

I went with the revolver first. SO much fun! I was shooting really well and making some clutch shots to the pink paper's chest, abdomen, and neck. Then I switched to the pistol, which went something like this: Make sure safety is on > Need help loading pistol > Make sure safety is on > Make sure finger is not on the trigger > Pull the top thingy backwards > Make sure safety is on > Take a deep breath > Take safety off > Take another deep breath > Bam >  Yelp when the shell pops at me > Bam Bam Bam > Decide that the pistol is too much and go back to the revolver.

One of my friends felt the same way, so we decided we'd be better cowboys than gangsters.

I don't know that I'll ever purchase a gun, though I've thought about it for protection. I would definitely go back to use some of the free range passes we got and to feel that brief adrenaline rush. Even if I don't, I'm glad to have checked that off my bucket list and tried something new and totally out of my comfort zone.

Have any of you shot a gun before? What have you done to get yourself out of your comfort zone?


  1. Can you come shoot with me, I need more girl power ha! I grew up in a place where everyone hunts too but never even shot a gun until I married my husband. Now we go hunting and compete in fun competitions at our local gun range! The best way to get comfortable is just to get out there and practice and the loading and everything will get easier. Tell your hubby to take you out to the range and believe me, you will feel safe after you get used to it.

  2. Literary laughed out loud at work reading your post! Love it because this is exactly how I felt with my husband took me to the range the first time. I too really enjoy a revolver over a semi. Keep up the good work cowgirl!

  3. This is awesome!!!! We went skeet shooting this past weekend and I have a lovely bruise on my right arm/shoulder! Where I grew up everyone hunts as well and I've even killed a deer. Love another lady that can get out there and shoot too!! Happy Thursday!

  4. This seems like so much fun! And definitely a cool skill to have! This looks like a great idea for ladies night :)

    1. This was an awesome ladies night, its so different and fun!

  5. I just found your blog! You are seriously too cute and I've loved reading along so far :) I nominated you for the Liebster award :)


    1. Thank you so much Lindsay!! I probably won't be able to do a whole post about the Liebster Award, but I did give you a shout out on Friday! I'll try to answer some of the questions asap! :)

  6. This is totally awesome! I never thought about this for a girls night out, I'm gonna have to check around my parts for something like this.

    1. Definitely see if there is anything like this around you, all of us loved it and it was so different and fun for a girls night!

  7. I love that you went and did this. I think I would be terrified to own a gun. My hubs just bought a rifle for hunting (which I suppose is his new hobby?).

  8. Umm...I need THIS kind of ladies night!! I have been looking at a pink .38 revolver...I will need it for girls gun night for sure haha ;)

  9. The first time I went to the range I was shocked by how
    Loud it was...even with the ear protection. I didn't think I was going to be scared but really was!

  10. Some ladies from work and I were thinking about doing this!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  11. Love your blog! I nominated you for Liebster Award!

    Elena @

    1. Thank you so much Elena!! I gave you a shout out on my Friday post for nominating me, that is so sweet of you! I'll try to answer the questions asap!


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