Another dose of Friday Favorites!

Happy Friday all! This week went by so fast, the hubs and I didn't really do much, which was exactly what we needed! Do you ever have one of those weeks? We're looking forward to the weekend though, which will include lots of DIY-ing (headboard, dining table and chairs, finish decorating outside with a few Halloween touches, etc!) as well as the obligatory pumpkin beer drinking. I'm also on the hunt for the ingredients for my favorite cocktail.. Liquid Apple Pie! You'll hear more about that soon!

I'm linking up against with Christina and Darci for Five on Friday.. so here goes!

ONE: More garland, of course!


So I have seen this garland a lot on Little Baby Garvin and I have been hoping to get my hands on it since last Christmas, so what did I do when I saw it this week? Buy it in both colors with a 10% off coupon. Hells yes. You know I have a problem when it comes to garland. I love both colors though because you can use them for decorating during other times of the year, like Valentine's Day!

TWO: Dunkin Donuts Pumpkin Coffee K-Cups

Ummmm these are amazeballs. The hubs picked them up yesterday for me and I couldn't wait to try them this morning. I usually just put some pumpkin spice in my vanilla coffee if I can't make a trip to Starbucks, but these are a better at-home option!

THREE: Speaking of pumpkin coffee.. Pumpkin coffee desserts?

Cupcakes | Pound Cake
Have you seen these recipes on Pinterest? I think making one of these might be on the agenda this weekend, I am really curious to see if they are as good as they sound!

FOUR: Chalk Paint Monogram Pumpkin

I painted this pumpkin this week for our outside decor with some of my leftover "Old White" Chalk Paint. I'm loving it and it was so easy! I did one coat of paint and then made a stencil of the M to trace and paint. Done!

FIVE: Furball play date

This is Ruby's "please don't make me go outside" look. She was being super lazy after we had a friend and her pup over yesterday. Her doggie friend didn't really run around with her too much, but Ruby took the liberty to sprint multiple time in giant circles and run enough for the both of them.

That's all that happened here this week folks! I hope you all have a great weekend and enjoy this cooler weather! :)


  1. Your pumpkin looks great!! Can't wait to hear about liquid apple pie...sounds delish!

  2. Now there's a pumpkin I could maybe do! Before I saw you used a stencil I thought, there's no way she painted that M on there free hand!! Then I saw you used a stencil and thought, ok I can try it! Have a good weekend! I walked outside this am and it's already cooler so hopefully the whole weekend will stay this way!

  3. Your painted pumpkin turned out awesome! I love it!!

  4. Two things, one is I love that you also use one of my favorite words, amazeballs, even my autocorrect recognizes it as a word now & I love the dunkin kcups, I posted today about Donut House Cinnamon Roll kcups on my Friday post!! Happy weekend!

    1. haha yay I'm not the only one that still uses that word!! I've never tried the Cinnamon Roll k-cups but that sounds right up my alley, thanks for the heads up!!

  5. Loving the monogram pumpkin. I did one last year and loved the way it looks. I am going to attempt to make my nephews a minion pumpkin this weekend. Should be interesting.

  6. Your pumpkin looks great! Ruby looks tired out!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  7. I've been loving that garland too! Whoo hoo for coupons!!! And yes, weeks and weekends where we look forward to doing..nothing is our favorite too :)

    Have a great weekend girly!

  8. I've been wanting to monogram a pumpkin, but I love the chalk paint idea!

    1. It's so easy, definitely give it a try! :) You can get tester pots of the chalk paint for less money and try different colors too!

  9. Love love love that pumpkin - might have to borrow the chalk paint idea!


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