Can't Live Without It | Link Up!

Happy almost weekend friends! R and I are starting our weekend early by taking his first flight tonight! Our flight was delayed by 2 hours after we left for the airport (great). Hopefully the rest of the night will go well though!

This week I can't live without.... Stephanie's flying with and infant series!

Seriously, so many good ideas there y'all. And I know it seems lazy that I didn't come up with anything else but her advice has helped me be (a little) less nervous for Rowan's first flight!

This picture has nothing to do with this post, but here is some baby spam :)

Hopefully he sleeps and mama can have some vino on the flight after this crazy week! Hope you all have a great weekend! See you back here Tuesday!

Want to join us for the link up?! Share something you can't live without, make sure to link back to Stephanie, Laura and I, and link up below!


  1. I hope you have a smooth first flight experience! Have a great weekend :)

  2. i hope the second flight went well! have a great time this weekend with your family!! and make sure to share all your traveling tips when you get back :) xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  3. I was going to text you and ask you how it's going but I'll wait till you get back to hear all about it! I loved that video of R on your Facebook. He's such a precious little boy!
    Ally- Life as I know it

  4. Good luck on your first flight! Hopefully he slept and you got to enjoy some vino!

  5. I hope your flight and vacation goes well!! Best wishes and happy first Father's Day to your hubby!

  6. Thinking of you guys and hoping for smooth travels! Happy Father's Day weekend to Steve!


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