Weekend Snapshots

I hope you all had a great first weekend of Fall!

This weekend my family headed home so its been very quiet here. After they left, a nap was in order, and then the hubs and I got to work on some of the 54356 projects I've got going on simultaneously. Maybe I should finish one of them so I can finally show you all... there's a thought!

This weekend we spent some time by the water at Shem Creek, its so gorgeous there! I love watching all of the boats come in and the dolphins swimming by their sides!

On Saturday we went to the farmer's market and then headed off to a few oh so cute antique stores. I probably could have spent another hour in the store on the left, there were so many rooms packed with so many unique items. I picked up some more chalk paint since I need more for our dining table, which will hopefully be done this week!

I also picked up a J. Crew Factory skirt and sweater with 40% off plus another 20% off. Score!

Finally, a sneak peak at our Halloween decor project we're working on. Thanks to my Dad for trusting us to use his jigsaw... surprisingly nothing broke! Maybe we are finally getting the hang of this DIY thing...

And if you follow me on Instagram, you saw that I finally got my hands on some real pumpkins.

Y'all are probably happy about that so I'll finally stop talking about it.. haha! But look how pretty the colors are!!

Stay tuned for some of our fall decor on the blog tomorrow! Also many of you are excited like I am about our DIY headboard, I will definitely share a tutorial and all the details ASAP! Thank you times a million for all of the sweet and encouraging comments :) 

Did any of you do some good Fall clothing shopping this weekend or add some more fall decor to your house? When is it acceptable to bust out the Halloween decor? I've been holding off until October 1st for Hocus Pocus!


  1. I'm with you on holding off until October 1st for Halloween Decorations. Like the pennant you made!! Can't wait to hang it!!

  2. I love going to Shem Creek! It's always such a treat! I'm glad to see you have your pumpkins and mums out! I thought it was too hot still to put them out but guess not! I know what I'll be doing this coming weekend!

  3. What a gorgeous view! I too am holding off until the first week in October for the Halloween decorations--my neighbors, however, are not ;)

    1. Wow they already have their Halloween stuff up?! They are on the ball! I admit, I have a Halloween welcome mat out already but that is because I didn't have any other choice except for a bright pink summer-y one! haha

  4. Yay pumpkins! Mine came out the first week of September...oops.


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