Soaking it up

This week I'm taking a little time out from blogging to soak up all the cuddles and to plant way too many kisses on Rowan's cute cheeks as he will be starting daycare next week.

I'm feeling allllll of the feelings about this transition. Like many new parents, we've gone over what seems like a million options and have decided this is the best for now.

Photo by Caitlin Thomas Photography

I feel so fortunate to have spent so much time with Rowan before he heads to daycare, I know a lot of mamas don't get the same opportunity. I was able to see him smile, laugh, and roll over for the first time. I also got to watch him learn to sit up on his own and crawl and that has been an amazing gift of working from home that I do not take for granted.

I'm confident he will love having some babies to play with and a short break from Ruby's endless kisses. 

I'll be back next week and there are lots of things planned for this little space of mine! Happy almost weekend y'all!


  1. Hang in there! It will be tough at first but he'll do great. The socialization will be so good for him.

  2. Soak it up mama!! Have a wonderful week and weekend!

  3. I hope the first few days go well! Enjoy all these precious moments with him!


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