Fall To-Do List

With the official start of Fall just a week away and the cooler temps we've been having (insert praise hands emoji) its safe to say summer is long gone in my mind.

You'll notice a few of these are not that special but I'm setting my bar low because, mom life.

1. Fall Manicure. Okay so the only reason this has anything to do with Fall is because I want to go with my trademark Fall polish, Essie Smoking Hot. I haven't had a mani-pedi since.... before Rowan was born? YIKES. It's time.

2. Drink all the Lattes, Pinot Noir and Pumpkin beers. Last year I was knocked up at this time so I couldn't enjoy these basic luxuries. I pretty much accomplished this one already so we'll just go ahead and mark this as "in progress." Something has to get me through a full day of work and deciding which tool Mickey's Clubhouse gang needs for its mission.

3. Bake Pumpkin-flavored things. I may even try my hand at slow cooker apple butter. Look out y'all, getting crazy over here.

4. Visit the Farmer's Market. We go to the Farmer's Market a lot but there is something about chowing down on my kettle corn with a scarf on and a cool breeze that makes it so much better.

5. Take cliche pictures of my kid. Think photos at a pumpkin patch, sitting in a pile of leaves, in his Halloween PJs and costume. Yep, I'm going full-on crazy Fall mom here and I don't care who knows it.

6. Wear something other than leggings.I got totally annoyed with wearing leggings last year while I was pregnant. Here's to skinny jeans this time around!

7. Hocus Pocus. Classic Bette Midler, no explanation needed. It's the best. 

8. Read Halloween books to Rowan. So far we have Llama Llama Trick or Treat and Room on the Broom (which is SO cute, I love reading it to Rowan) but we'll probably add more to the collection, like this one.

9. Carve Pumpkins. Love doing this the week of Halloween!

10. Take lots of family walks. We haven't been able to do this much with the humidity over the summer, but Ruby loves when we all walk together and Rowan just chills in his stroller taking it all in.

Honorable mentions go to making lots of soups and chilis for dinner, apple picking, beating my husband at Fantasy Football, and stop being sad that I have no mantel to decorate this year (yeah right).

What is on the top of your Fall bucket list? Anything I should add?!

Linking up with Natalie and Annie!


  1. What a great list! I love the cliche pictures (because you can never have too many cute pictures of babes in Fall) and the visits to the Farmers Market.

  2. Love all of these. I really want to go to a corn maze this fall. It is a great excuse to get outside and enjoy the beautiful weather!

  3. Great list! I'll be right taking lots of cliche fall photos! And yes to the walks... I had grand plans to walk more this summer and the humidity did me in!

  4. All of these are making me so excited for fall! After the baby comes we'll all have to hit up the Farmer's Market!
    Ally- Life as I know it

  5. I am terrible, I haven't been to the Farmer's Market all summer. Now that the weather has cooled down (slightly), I need to get there.

    xo, Carly | carly blogs

  6. I have this new obsession with holiday books for my baby on the way! He'll have no idea, but the idea of makes me giddy!!!

  7. Yay for fall! Definitely yes to pumpkin everything - I may have to try that apple butter, too! And can't wait to see Rowan in all of these upcoming photo shoots! ;)

  8. Love your fall list! Can't wait to see those fall pictures!

  9. Girl you deserve that mani pedi like woah!! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  10. Yes to all of these! My Fall Bucket list is pretty much identical. I'm going to have to check out some of those Halloween baby books too! Have a great weekend!

  11. Those donuts! Yum! Hope you had a great weekend! Xo

  12. I love this list! My fall bucket list goes up tomorrow, and we definitely have some over lap! I forgot to add Hocus Pocus though! xoChampagne&Suburbs


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