Friday Favorites

Happy September, friends! I know we're already 4 days in but I was a bad blogger this week, so I'm playing catch up. This weekend we're planning to finally hang things on the walls in the house, finish our Restoration Hardware-inspired coffee table, and this mama gets to have her hair done and do some Fall clothes shopping!

Onto my favorites from the week, linking up with Christina and April!

Fall. I admit I'm not going full-fledged Fall crazy just yet. (Anyone else with me?) But I'm going to pull out my favorite pumpkin candle this weekend and stop by Hobby Lobby for some inspiration. Hopefully that will motivate me to decorate this weekend considering I never actually put any non-seasonal decor around the house since moving in. Oops.

College Football. Rowan's first football season! He is oblivious but we're so excited to put on our coordinating Gator gear this weekend. I've been singing our alma mater to R in place of lullabies since I'm a super mom and only know two lines of Mary had a Little Lamb, but I'm confident we're starting him out on the right track.

Halloween. Rowan's costume is picked out, cute jams have been purchased, and I might have to get him one of these Halloween treat bags, so so cute! I've never been a big fan of Halloween (though I do love me some Hocus Pocus) but with a baby its a whole different story!

Apple Cider Donuts. I made these last year and can't stop craving them since I came across this post this week!

Random but have you seen the new changes to Instagram or am I just late to the party? You can now share landscape photos and combine multiple photos in one post without needing another app. Direct messaging has also been improved!

Also I'd love for y'all to check out the newly minted Home Sweet Ruby Facebook page! I kept putting it off but alas, I succumbed just like I did to Twitter. Looking forward to making it a little prettier and filling it up with some good Fall things in the next few weeks!

I hope you all have a great weekend! Cheers to the three-day weekend with this fall sangria in my hand!


  1. I love, love, love that coffee table! Can't wait to see how yours turns out! And yay for football season! It's never too early to teach your child your alma mater :) Hope you have a great weekend!

  2. Yes to that sweet face being the first picture on your post!! And yes to apple cider donuts - they are seriously the best thing ever! Hope you enjoy your weekend! xo, Biana -BlovedBoston

  3. What a cute picture of Rowan and his little gator! Hope y'all have a good time watching your Gators play this weekend in your coordinating outfits :) Have a great weekend!

  4. Apple cider donuts??? Yum! There were signs for these at the beach last week but we didn't get any. I may have to try and recreate them myself come Fall!

  5. I've never had Apple Cider Donuts but they sound amazing. How about you make this tired pregnant woman some? ;) Enjoy your Saturday to yourself. If you want some company I'm free!
    Ally - Life as I know it

  6. Those donuts! Yum! I saw the new changes on IG, but I never really used the direct messenger feature. Maybe I will now that it's so much more convenient.

  7. That coffee table is gorgeous. And I cannot wait for all the cute baby halloween outfits!! We still have to pick ours out, but the hubs says it's too early. He's clueless. lol. And I'm with you on not remembering hardly any lullabies! I've definitely hummed some and made up some words many times. ha.

  8. Rowan is so cute! And those donuts sound amazingggg. Happy Friday! xx

  9. can you please make those donuts so i can steal one :) and OMG the pumpkin treat bag!! ahh too cute. im so excited for holidays with the babes! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  10. Seriously how excited are you for college football?!?!?! I cannot wait!

  11. Rowan is getting so big! Can't wait to see his Halloween costume - holidays are so much more fun with kids!

  12. I am SO not ready for fall but I just bought a donut pan and may need to test out that recipe this week! I'm not a Halloween person but have found that being a mom makes the holiday really fun and I love helping the girls decide on their costumes and then decorate for the holiday! Having another baby now, I can't wait to dress her up this Halloween and may end up doing more than one costume!

  13. I have got to try that recipe - those donuts looks aaaamazing! Yum!

  14. Those donuts? OMG. They look so good! Hope you have a great, long weekend! xo, Champagne&Suburbs

  15. i broke down and did a Hobby Lobby drive by to get some decorations especially since all Fall decor is 40% off! lol. I have not noticed those Instagram changes but I did notice that you can now add spaces between your photo captions and hashtags which looks better (that's my OCD kicking in!) :)

  16. You have to let me know how your coffee table turns out! I'm obsessed with that Restoration Hardware one.... but not the price. And yes yes yes to donuts! Happy weekend!

  17. Hahaha i love that you're singing him the school song in place of lullabies! So fun! I am sure my husband will be doing the same, despite not going to his favourite school lol


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