Working Mom

Yesterday was my first day back to work. I'm fortunate enough to work from home, but having a 7-week old babe around makes it a little complicated. I mean, how could I not stare at this face all day?

I get a lot of questions about why I'm back to work so soon and what our plans are for Rowan in the coming months. While my job is protected by law for 12 weeks, the thought of 6 of them being unpaid was scary after just putting an offer in on a house. Could we have made it work? Probably. Would I have gone back as early if I weren't working from home? Unlikely.

Thankfully Grandma is here to help the first few weeks and these particular coworkers were asleep on the job for most of our first day.

I know some days will be more challenging than others. But today work was slow and we survived.

I'm sure this pair will make me eat my words at some point. Probably today. No doubt the unsuspecting grandma who dares to walk on our sidewalk will send Ruby into a fit which will then send Rowan into a meltdown mid-mama's conference call. I'm fully prepared to hit the mute button if necessary.

We were late to the "add your kid to the daycare wait list" game, so even if we wanted to send him to daycare sooner, we can't. We're hoping to get a spot for the Fall. (Side note: did y'all know they have daycare "classes" where you can't get them in until Fall even if there is a spot open now? What the?)

Mom guilt aside, I think daycare will be good for all of us. Good for Rowan in that those baby germs will help build his immune system and give him more social time. Good for mama in that I may or may not lose my mind juggling my work and personal to-do lists.

I envy those of you with family nearby who can watch your little one. Even though I think daycare will be a good thing (eventually), my heart aches thinking about those first few days of dropping him off and heading back home to work. You know its going to be tough and you feel for those mamas who do it before you...

But you never realize how tough until you are faced with the prospect of trusting your little with a complete stranger who is likely in charge of 3 or 4 other sweet babies at the same time. 

So here's to all of the working and stay-at-home mamas, I don't know how you all do it mentally, physically, or emotionally. Being a Mom is a job in itself, but it's so worth it and beats the hell out of my 9-to-5.


  1. Oh Cait, I hear you big time. People are so quick to judge and question but we all have to find what works for our family and the rest doesn't matter. I envy the ones with local family too, it's so hard at times. But we do it. Because we're mamas and there's no stronger species in this whole wide world! You got this!

  2. I am sure it will all get a little easier each day. Best of luck with your transition and being back at work. I don't have a little one yet, but I give a lot of credit to working moms like yourself. Hang in there =)

  3. You have to do what's best for you and your family. So great you have your mom around to help. Best of luck with time it will feel like normal. Definitely give a TON of credit to the SAHM's I'm not sure I could do it. I love my job, love having a working life and providing for my family but some mornings it's hard to let them go and head to work. But there are a few days when I work all day pick up baby, make a home cooked dinner, bath and feed baby, and am still standing after she's been loved on and put to bed....and then I feel like superwoman! No better feeling!

  4. Glad your first day back went well! I laughed out loud about Ruby, dogs are so weird! Can't wait to hear more about the potential house :)

  5. I think it's wonderful that you are doing what is right for your family. Everyone's situation is different and I'm sure it won't be easy but it's all worth it! Happy second day back!

  6. Yes it is totally mind boggling to me. The lengths my sister had to endure to get her kids spots in the daycare she wanted. Having family close by that can help is such a blessing!

  7. You are doing what is best for your decision and I love that you are sharing that. Everyone has different situations and I had to go back after 7 weeks and I am full time teaching. The daycares we wanted were not ava until Aug so I was lucky that my mom and mother in law would come and watch her until I was out for Summer..

  8. I'm home for another 4 weeks and we've started to have the convo about whether I should stay home or not. It's tough. There's never enough hours in the day :) Oh I'm hosting a giveaway on the blog today.

  9. You know I am here for any support you need! In my mind our agreed upon date that I would be leaving my job was April 1 (as in tomorrow) sadly things just aren't panning out that way. So in my mind I create a new date (August 1) and try and survive all over again. 7 weeks is so little to leave a baby but I am glad you have some help while you transition back to work! xo

  10. im glad you have some time with rowan at home before you have to send him to daycare (still crazy there is a waiting list)! hopefully you two will work out a routine and your working hours wont be too difficult. tells us more about the offer on the house...which one did you guys go with?! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  11. I love that Ruby lays next to her little brother. I don't foresee Pixie doing that but maybe! I know I'm so lucky that I have family so close but I'm also envious you work from home! That daycare rule about not starting till the Fall is stupid. Really though what are moms who have to physically be at a job supposed to do? Just wait till august? That just doesn't make sense!
    Ally - Life as I know it

  12. Congrats to Day One down! We are also family-less in our new state and it's hard - I hear you! Wishing you lots of mamma strength :)

  13. You got this I just can't believe how quickly its gone by!!!

  14. First of all Rowan is the cutest!!! That hair and that smile. I don't blame you for not getting work done :) I commend you for going back at 7 weeks I actually went back when Miller was 4 weeks old (working from home) and worked until he was 5 months old but it was really tricky to balance the day to day with him until he was on a really good schedule. Stay at home moms are pretty rare up here in Maryland so most of my friends have kids in daycare and they all do great! He will love it and you will enjoy your time to yourself, trust me. You have to do what works for your family and not worry about what anyone says. PS- congrats on the house!!

  15. Glad your first day back went well! You will find the balance of works best for you and your family :) Can I ask what you do that you work from home? I'd love to be able to work from home some day when we start a family, so I'm just curious what you do....

  16. I am with you on this one, too! I'm out for 12 weeks (I have a Short Term Disability policy which is paying me 60% of my paycheck for 8 weeks because I had a c section, so that helps out with the not-getting-paid thing), and after that, it's daycare for C. The thing is - we don't have a spot for him yet. Daycare here (Columbia, SC) is SUCH a majorly competitive thing. All of the "good" ones have waiting lists up to TWO YEARS. No joke. So - we're currently considering having my husband stay out up to 12 weeks until we get C in a daycare or a nanny. ARRGH! Wish us luck!


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