Three Weeks Later...

Hello, friends! Is anyone still out there?

It took me a little longer than I expected to get back into blogging after Rowan made his appearance three weeks ago (and holy crap... how has it been three weeks?!). I feel like I'm finally coming out of the newborn fog, so it feels good to get back to this little space of mine!

I have to thank my amazing husband, family, and friends for checking in on me, bringing us dinner and dessert, visiting, and sending help in the form of Starbucks gift cards. Y'all really know the way to a new mama's heart!

I thought I'd get back into things with a little life update, so in case you're like me and you wonder how the first few weeks of life are for a new mama... here you go!

Labor + Delivery

I thought about sharing Rowan's birth story but it actually went almost exactly as I had hoped, with very little drama to share, so I'm not going to dedicate a full post. Here is my quick recap:

Contractions started Monday afternoon (02/09) and progressed very quickly. (Contractions hurt like hell, thank God for the epidural.) My water broke at the hospital. I labored for 9 hours at the hospital with 45 minutes of pushing.

One thing I don't recommend is getting pain meds through your IV as you are waiting on your epidural. They made me so incredibly loopy, I could barely respond to questions and I was dozing off in between contractions, but yet the pain was definitely still there.


We learned at Rowan's 2-week checkup that he gained almost 2 pounds and grew 2 inches in his first two weeks of life. He is already growing out of newborn sleepers because of his length!

It's safe to say this kid loves to eat. Breastfeeding is going well so far but I do admit that its a little frustrating feeding every 3 hours. Though that's much better than every hour... Rowan cluster fed all night for the first week we were home. That shit was rough.


Since my delivery went pretty smooth I've felt really good aside from the lack of sleep. Two things I was not expecting after birth: tailbone pain and night sweats. Ugh. Someone please tell me the night sweats go away soon?! I can't even stand to smell myself. Just another glamorous side effect of pregnancy I suppose...

My husband has been absolutely amazing taking care of me, Ruby and Rowan. You really do fall in love with your husband even more when he becomes a Dad. I could listen to him read to Rowan or sing him goofy made-up songs all day.


Ruby is so adorable with Rowan, I can't even handle it. She was a little forceful with her kisses at first but she has learned to be more gentle. She follows you with Rowan anywhere you go and is protective of him around new people.

Yesterday Rowan was fussing in his Mamaroo so Ruby nudged my leg, walked over to the mamaroo and looked at Rowan, then looked at me.. like, "Hey are you going to do something Mom?" I mean, too cute!

Blog Plans

I don't plan on going full out "mommy blog" on y'all but I definitely plan to share some of my favorite mama + baby things very soon! I'll also get back to regularly scheduled programming once I can entertain more thoughts besides when did my kid feed last and what was his diaper like.

I'm not sure how we got so lucky to call this little man ours. He brings us so much joy, all of the sleepless nights are 110% worth it! We're feeling so blessed!

I hope you have all been doing well, I'm so excited to catch up on my blog reading!

 For our privacy, I have removed some photos from this post. Please do not copy or pin images from this page.



  1. Congrats again! He is so gorgeous!

  2. Of course we're still here! I'm thrilled to hear everything went and is going SO well!

    And yes, the sweats will end! :)

    He is so precious, we're all so glad he is finally here! Congratulations again!

  3. I am so glad everything is going so well!!! He is absolutely precious! Congratulations again!! :)

  4. So happy for you! I am due in 11 days and I'm just dying with excitement! It's always nice to read posts from momma's who have just gone through it. Thanks for sharing :)

  5. Such a sweet post!! Congratulations! I love all of the pictures- especially the one of Ruby & Rowan :)

  6. He is so cute & wow, the pictures are fantastic! Your photographer captured some really great shots. Glad everything is going well so far!

  7. Umm that second photo is TO DIE FOR!! So sweet! Glad you're doing well I was actually thinking about you on my commute in this morning. Night sweats ahh don't miss them but worse for me was hair loss. That I am still trying to recover from (don't worry that won't bite you until about month 3)!

  8. I'm dying over that photo of Ruby and Rowan, precious doesn't even begin to describe it. Just perfect. Congratulations mama!

  9. Oh. My. Gosh! The pics. And in my dream world, Amelia will treat Nancy just like Ruby treats Rowan. Ahhhhh! Bless it.

  10. Aww so darling! He is just precious, I love how sweet your dog is with him :) What a blessing!

    The night sweats lasted for a few weeks for me and I remember "why the hell did no one warn me about this?!" haha it's disgusting but it shouldn't last too much longer ;)

  11. Yay! Great to hear from you!
    He is absolutely precious!
    Thanks for the postpartum heads up on the night sweats and tailbone pain. (WHAAAAAT THE ... ?!?) I guess the fun of pregnancy just goes on and on and on and on. It's the gift that keeps on giving. And here I was thinking I was done with crappy pregnancy stuff AFTER I gave birth. HA!
    I'm two weeks from my due date with Conner, and I'm just DONE with pregnancy. So ready to have OUR little boy here!
    So happy for y'all!

  12. He is absolutely adorable! Between night sweats and leaking boobs it's just one hot mess, but it does get better:)

  13. What absolutely beautiful photos - especially the one of Ruby and her little brother and the three of you. Glad to hear that everything is going well!

  14. Congratulations, mama! He is so beautiful. So happy that you had a straightforward labor and delivery. The night sweats will definitely end. Those hormones are nuts at first! Your pictures are so perfect.

  15. OMG girl! Rowan is so adorable! That picture of him and Ruby is the cutest thing I've ever seen. I seriously keep going back to look at it! Glad everything went well for you and you're adjusting to your little family of three! Can't wait to hear more about Rowan!

    <3, Pamela
    Sequins & Sea Breezes

  16. I love that Ruby is so sweet with Rowan! I imagine Pixie stepping over our baby and just not realizing they're there! Glad he's feeding every 3 hours instead of every hour! Thank god for maternity leave right?
    Ally - Life as I know it

  17. He is so beautiful! Congratulations!

  18. Beautiful pictures lady!! Rowan is such a cutie! And how sweet is Ruby?! That is adorable. Glad to hear you're doing well and I love hearing from new mamas since I'll be there myself in 7 weeks!

  19. Awwwwww could he be anymore gorgeous???? I am happy to hear that your delivery was uneventful! Take all the time you need soaking up this special time with your family!

  20. He's perfect!!! :) Congratulations to you and your husband!

  21. I CANNOT EVEN HANDLE the picture of Rowan and Ruby... I mean MELT MY HEART!!!! So happy for you! I actually was thinking I had missed your blogs this morning!!

  22. OH MY GOSH... all the beautiful pics!!! The picture of Ruby & Rowan... I swooned :)

  23. Thank you for such a wonderful update. I can't wait to meet this precious little boy soon (and finally have that vino with his amazing mama!). xx

  24. He's so so precious! These pictures are beautiful, what a sweet little family. That picture of Ruby + Rowan <3

  25. sooo CUTE! Love the little smile!

  26. Absolutely precious! Love the name too! SO many congrats!

  27. I can't even handle these pictures! So stinkin' cute! That little grin...just precious!


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