End of Summer Bucket List

We had another productive weekend here, though nothing too exciting. Saturday we woke up at 6:30 AM... eeks... to check out a few garage sales. We're on the hunt for a dresser I can redo for our master bedroom but we only saw one and it needed a lot of TLC. (Plus the guy wouldn't come down from $75 for it. What the?) So then we took Ruby to the farmer's market with us. We came home with lots of veggies and some dog treats for Ruby.

While hubby did yard work, I finally finished painting the Ikea Rast dressers we purchased a while back for our master bedroom. They were smaller than I thought, so I'm not sure how long they will work for us, but at least its something. I'm thinking of switching the clear knobs for mercury glass knobs from Hobby Lobby. What do you think? 

I plan on doing a house tour once I get this place cleaned up a bit, so more on that soon!

We also started planning our ITALY and PARIS trip for our one year anniversary!! YAY! Neither of us have ever been to Europe, and we wanted to do this trip as our honeymoon but it didn't work out, so we're beyond excited! We're going to plan everything on our own, with the help of Rick Steves' books, the internet, and friends who have been there before. Because I'm an over-planner, I've already made a binder to start organizing things. Steve, on the other hand, immediately busted out Excel and started typing in formulas and all sorts of things that confuse the hell out of me.

Clearly I'm old school with my printouts.... ha! Design for binder here.

As Steve and I were relaxing Sunday night, we started talking about things we want to do this summer, before the weather starts getting cooler. Being the perpetual list-maker that I am, I felt compelled to write a bucket list of things we want to do before the end of summer. So here goes...

End of Summer Bucket List

Try out 3 new restaurants in downtown Charleston
 Steve and I love trying out new restaurants and there are so many to choose from downtown, I hope we make time to explore a little more.

Go to the beach
 So far we've been to Folly Beach but I'd like to go check out other beaches in the area, and work on improving my pathetic tan.

Rent a kayak or paddleboard for a day 
  As a secondary goal, I'd like to remind myself not to fall or get hurt doing said activities.

Visit with family 
 Whether its driving to see family, or having them as visitors, I really hope to get some family time in. It gets lonely here without a girlfriends or family members close-by.

Teach Ruby a new trick
 I'm not sure which trick just yet, I'll keep you posted.

Get a hair cut and color 
A few things about my hair: a) no one ever notices when I get it cut and b) I've had way too many bad haircuts so I'm terrified every time I have to find a new hairstylist. I've been growing it out for a year and a half, and because its curly, its hard to tell for anyone but me. Let's just say... it needs help.

Get serious about working out  
Or maybe I should say make it past week 1 of Lee Labrada's lean body trainer?? Between eating like Steve (pizza + carbs basically every day of the week), being burnt out after the wedding, and the exhaustion from moving, I've been too lazy to get myself to the gym. I also got back into baking so that is not. helping.

Make more crock pot and healthy, balanced meals 
Since we've been in our house and have our own grill, I've been eating more protein and grilled veggies for dinner. Lunch is where I struggle though. If I don't have leftovers, I don't put any effort into my lunch and end up with carbs. carbs. and more carbs.

Visit Firefly Vodka Distillery and Irvin House Vineyards
In DC, we loved getting away from the city and visiting wineries. Even if we end up pushing this back until the fall, I definitely want to try them out!

Keep in touch with friends 
Between the craziness of the wedding, moving right after, and trying to get settled, its been hard for me to keep in touch with my girlfriends. Its so hard meeting friends when you're out of college and work from home, so I hope I can find time to chat with them more often!

Buy a maxi dress 
 Why is it so hard to find a damn maxi dress that is cute and around $50?!?! I've looked all summer, maybe I need to up my budget but I'm determined to find one.

Run a 5K
 There will be a lot more 5K events at the end of summer and early fall, so the hubs and I are hoping to find something that involves raising money for a good cause. A free t-shirt also helps...

Go golfing with Steve
So this one is a stretch, but the hubs loves to golf and I was thinking it might be time for me to stop being terrified of golf courses and do something that he really enjoys. True story- About 8 years ago (before Steve), I was meeting a guy for a date at a driving range. I got there early and decided to hit a few balls so I didn't look like an ass when he got there. Well... I shanked a ball into the little divider and it came back and hit me above the eye. 7 stitches, lots of blood, and a mild concussion later, I swore off golf and didn't touch a club until a few weeks ago.

Anyone else have big plans for the rest of summer? Any trips planned? Or if you've been to Italy or Paris and have any recommendations, send them my way :)

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