Stroller Talk

When you're working on your baby registry there are so.many.options.

Want a breastfeeding pillow? There's like 18 of them. How about bottles? Five million types with different parts. Do I want the puppy or the jungle-y bouncer?

Add in your hormones, budget, and expectations for when baby number 2 comes along.... It's overwhelming. 

Since I didn't plan on jogging with my stroller (unless you count catching up with the ice cream truck) and trunk space wasn't an issue, I had an even larger variety to choose from. 

 Elizabeth Bag c/o Lily Jade. Stroller.
My criteria: one that can be converted to a 2-seater, the ability to attach a bassinet (which we never ended up buying), a roomy storage basket, and the ability to face the seat towards me or away. What? You thought weight, ease of folding, and a smooth ride would be a priority? Ha. 

Don't hold my momiform or my inability to strike a less awkward pose against me. #notafashionblogger
I will say that overall I really love our stroller. But there are days when I wish I had a lightweight umbrella stroller that could fit through aisles at the Carter's store. Seriously why don't they make their stores stroller friendly?!

Behold, the Britax B-Ready stroller... In all of its large and in charge beauty. 

Britax B-Ready stroller. (FYI- That bar you see hanging is easily attached to the other side or it can be removed.)
What I love...

Everything is adjustable. The seat can recline to 3 different positions, the footrest moves, and the handlebar can move up and down based on where it's most comfortable for you. My favorite aspect though is the reversible seat.   

Convertible. When the time comes (definitely not in the near future!) we can add another seat instead of having to purchase another stroller. So its a larger price tag up front but we don't have to do it all over again when Rowan gets a sibling. You can also buy a bassinet attachment, which I was all about until I realized the only time we'd really use it was for walks around our neighborhood since he'd be in his car seat while we were out and about. 

Ease of Use. The single foot locking mechanism is easy and changing the direction and recline of the seat is really simple.As for setup, now I think it's pretty easy to fold and unfold but at first it was so hard for me to remember how to do it. It self stands while folded which is also a great feature.

Quality. It's very sturdy- I don't worry about any flimsy parts or faulty tires. The harness and large sunshade are also really nice. 

What I'm not crazy about...

Size/Weight. This is a large stroller, there is no doubt about it. It's probably one of the widest out there so let's just say we don't take this to King Street for shopping. It's also on the heavier side. Again... I knew this going in and compromised for the sake of adding a second seat later on. 

Car seat adapter. We weren't a big fan of the Britax infant car seat (heavier than the Chicco Keyfit 30 that we purchased) so we had to get an adapter. Not really a big deal since the car seat still folded up just fine with that attached, but its an added expense.

Suspension. It's a little bumpy if you've got some uneven sidewalks, but that really hasn't been an issue for us. As you can see, Rowan was passed out regardless! 

So the ultimate question is... would I buy the Britax B-Ready stroller again? Absolutely!

We may end up getting a cheap umbrella stroller to keep at Grandma's house so we don't have to travel with this so mamas, do you have any you'd recommend?

Linking up with Natalie and Annie


  1. Thanks for the review. I am haven't started shopping yet but know the time is near!

  2. This is the stroller that I have been eyeing for when we have a baby. I love all of its options!

  3. We have the B-ready as well. I have three year old twins and the two kid option rocks. I liked that you could have two car seats, two of everything and it still worked. You did not have to use the Britax car seat AND they have a "Ride Event" every September where you can get a free carseat, stroller seat, bassinet, etc. That's a pretty sweet deal if you are having twins (even if you aren't). I too didn't/don't love how heavy it is but honestly if you have two kids in it, it is one of the LEAST heavy strollers. Amazon runs pretty amazing deals on the accessories too and so do several baby stores. We have a cheap(er) fold up side by side stroller that we use too.

  4. great review! i totally forgot about the whole double stroller issue...good thing we wont need that for a few years and hopefully Vi will be running around by then. we have the BOB and I love it (when i use it instead of the carseat/stroller caddy). xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  5. This is great! I never thought to get one that converts to two for potential siblings!

  6. Great review! What color keyfit 30 is that?


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