Friday Favorites

Happy Friday! It's been a crazy week here with my husband out of town for part of it and Rowan's sudden crazy sleep antics. Is there a full moon or something?! Anyway it's been way too long since I linked up with April and shared some Friday Favorites, so here we go!


We're getting pretty excited football season is almost upon us! And Fall clothes of course. Though everyone here knows we don't get to wear those until at least October. I die over this puffer vest and these moccasin slippers for Rowan. Those slippers are for sure going in his Christmas stocking, if I can wait until then!


When your makeup doesn't match your face any longer you know its time to get some color. I'm excited to finally try out the Rodan + Fields sunless tanner that my friend Rachel hooked me up with. Has anyone used it? I've heard so many good things so hopefully it lives up to its hype. Any tips for application?


Stroller (Love it!). Stroller Fan
Rowan totally judged us for bypassing all of the fruits and vegetables at the Farmer's Market this week in favor of the doughnut truck and kettle corn stand... Look at those chins!


Excited for our blogger date this weekend! It's always fun getting together with local bloggers (many of which I consider my Charleston family now) but meeting bloggers while they are visiting is an extra treat. It's safe to say a cocktail and some girl time is much needed after an exhausting week!


Cheap Rosé from Trader Joes. I think this bottle was $5 and it was much better than the $9 bottle we bought. I know, big spenders. For the record we do splurge for better wine but I can only have a glass or two since I'm still nursing and I hate to waste it. Also what can I say, I'm a cheap date!

I hope you all have fun plans for the weekend! Aside from stuffing my face with food and finally finishing our DIY coffee table, there are a lot of naps planned in this household. Lets just hope Rowan gets the hint!


  1. I am waiting on my Rodan + Fields tanner to arrive and can't wait to try it! That is my favorite Rose from Trader Joes and love that I can always find it in the under $5 area! Have fun at your blogger meet up!

  2. Wishing you a tired baby this weekend! We have only one small two hour plan all weekend and I am so ready to kick back and relax!!

  3. Hooray for fall's upcoming arrival! Can't wait for all that autumn awesomeness soon!! Donut truck?! Yes, please and thank you!! :) Rowan looked so cute maxing and relaxing in his stroller while judging you! lol :) Enjoy your blogger date!! xo - Brenda // Chatting Over Chocolate

  4. Lol, I'm all about el cheapo wine. It's not like I'm a wine expert or something, so I figure I'd enjoy them both about the same :p

  5. Can't wait to see pictures of the blogger date! Rowan is SO adorable!

  6. I'm actually really excited for football season too! And I am totally not a sports person. Also, did you maybe do a post on how you picked your stroller? I saw that you mentioned you love this one above.

  7. Yeah!!!! So excited to have met you! Please let me know about that sunless tanner because I am always on the hunt for the holy grail product!


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