Our Weekend + 2 Years

Today marks two glorious years of marriage to this handsome guy, and I couldn't be happier to call him mine.

I'll spare you the sappy details of how much I love him and how great of a father he is to Rowan. It's definitely been a whirlwind year for us and I cannot wait to see what 2015 has in store for our little family!

We celebrated with lunch at our favorite spot on Shem Creek, Vickery's, and later introduced Rowan to the madness that is Trader Joe's on a Saturday.

We used the car seat attachment on the shopping cart and let me tell you, that shit is not easy to navigate around a busy store. We only took out one cart which I felt like was a success. Side note: Why the eff is it always crazy at TJ's? I don't think I've ever been to one that isn't packed with crazed patrons.

We left with the essentials... clearly. I should also note those cookies are gone already. Not sorry.

Though I joke that Steve's Anniversary gift from me this year was an adorable babe, we decided our gift to each other this year would be a house!

With the babe in tow, we've seen about 8 houses and narrowed it down to two yesterday. Now the hard part is deciding between the cul-de-sac house with a private backyard or the house with a great open concept but lots of neighbors. There are some projects in both houses so I'm excited to make the house ours, whichever one we pick! Stay tuned!

I hope you all had a great weekend! Also, am I the only one that is excited to fill my almost two-month old's Easter basket? And is it acceptable to sneak some egg-shaped Reese's in there for mama?!


  1. Aww Happy 2 Years! How exciting! I love TJ's, but it is always CRAZY! but all the trips there are worth the goodies =)....good luck with the house hunt. That is very exciting =)

  2. Congrats on 2 years!! And house hunting sounds so fun!! That babe is adorable!

  3. House hunting is so exciting! Happy anniversary :)

  4. Good luck with the house hunting! It's fun but stressful. I'm excited about putting together an Easter basket for my one month but not sure yet what I'm going to put in it.

  5. Oh my goodness... Rowan is so dang cute!
    Happy anniversary!!!

  6. Happy Anniversary! Good luck with the houses, can't wait to see what you pick :)

  7. Happy Anniversary Cait and Steve! You have quite the year ahead of you, so exciting! Can't wait to see pics of whatever house you choose. Hope to see you soon!

  8. Can't wait to see which house you choose! Happy Anniversary again! :)

  9. Happy Anniversary girl!! Glad we both picked the best day to get married haha!! xo, Biana - BlovedBoston

  10. Happy Anniversary! I've always loved cul-de-sac houses, especially when you have little ones because they can ride their bikes, ect around the circle and there isn't a lot of traffic to worry about! I'm sure whichever one you choose will be great though!

  11. Happy Anniversary! Congrats on finding some houses that you like (even though it sounds like you've got a big decision ahead) - can't wait to see what you pick!!

  12. Happy Anniversary! A house sounds like a fabulous gift to each other. Our Trader Joe's is always packed too, doesn't matter the time of day.

  13. Happy anniversary and YAY for house hunting!!! I hope you find your perfect house!

  14. Happy 2 Years! And house hunting is so exciting! Can't wait to see what you choose!
    xo Southern Style

  15. A house! Amazing. Your descriptions were so succinctly perfect that I felt like I was watching the end of a house hunters episode. Cant' wait to hear what y'all decide!!!! xx

  16. Happy anniversary! I'm so excited to see what house you pick :) TJ's is always so crazy... wish they would make the aisles wider! ...and no i totally dont blame you for wanting to make an easter basket for rowan! my mom brought my old basket and i'm totally making one up for violet esp since we dont have real easter plans this year. xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  17. Happy Anni!! What a beautiful wedding pic. And that house is amazing, I can't wait to hear more/see more!

  18. Happy Anniversary!!! What an exciting year for you guys!!! I cannot wait to follow you on your house adventure.

  19. Excited for a new house in your near future! Happy anniversary to you and the Mr. :)

  20. Happy anniversary!!! :) :) and girl, a house is SO exciting!!! You have so many amazing things going on right now!

  21. Happy Anniversary!! Yay for house hunting!! As the mom of a crazy toddler boy I suggest a house with a flat backyard or flat driveway and cul de sac so that they can run around safely and you don't have to stress too much. We're on a busy corner and I'm crazy paranoid about Miller running into the street. Even though I'm right there with him he's pretty fast and you just can't trust people to drive slow. Sorry for my unsolicited advice :)


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