Baby :: One Month Favorites

Rowan will be one month old next week (whoa! slow down time!) so I thought it was appropriate to share some of the things that got us through the first few weeks.

The first two weeks in particular are all about survival. I'm talking endless coffee, a husband who feeds you (because you will be so busy trying to feed your adorable offspring that food will become an afterthought), and lots of baby wipes.We totally overuse baby wipes.

I would recommend and/or gift every one of these items to my friends who are expecting. Other honorable mentions go to these for burping and this Ubbi Diaper Pail to contain the smells!

1. Aden and Anais Swaddle Blankets: Definitely a favorite registry item. They are pretty large and make swaddling so easy! We have 8 of them (2 sets) and I'm strongly considering getting more.

2. Boppy Changing Pad Covers: Particularly helpful if you have a boy... things can get pretty rogue. We haven't had to switch out the changing pad cover quite as much thanks to these!

3. Solly Baby Wrap: I was intimidated to use this at first but I don't really know why, its SO easy! Watch the newborn carry video online (here) and practice with a stuffed animal if you're nervous at first. I love it for walks and I even wore it around the outlet mall since navigating a stroller in stores can be complicated. Rowan falls right asleep when I put him in it. He even slept past his feeding time which is really rare because this kid wakes every 3 hours like clockwork to eat.

4. H&M Side Snap Onesies: Am I the only one that can't manage to get a regular onesie on my kid?! Newborns are so floppy and I hate putting things over his head. These H&M onesies are super easy to put on him, they're organic cotton so they are super soft, and they wash up well (even after massive diaper blow outs... believe me, we've tested!)

5. Wubbanubs: Pretty much every mom recommends these and I'm one of them. Rowan couldn't hold a paci in his mouth at first so we tried a bunch of different kinds. Then one day he decided he loves his wubbanub and holds onto it with his little hands, its so cute!

6- Mamaroo: We debated which swing to get Rowan and I'm so glad we went with the Mamaroo! He is so happy in it and seems to like all of the settings and sounds. Its compact for small spaces and seems more sturdy than the traditional swings.(We have the old version which is cheaper!)

7- Covered Goods Nursing/Car Seat Cover: We've ventured out in public a few times so far and every single time we do, I get questions about my Covered Goods nursing cover. It doubles as a car seat cover and I absolutely love it because it keeps the wind off of my sweet babe and strangers' prying hands (and germs) away from him. I also have 2 DIY nursing covers that I use when this is the laundry.

8- Graco Little Lounger: This is Graco's version of the Rock 'n Play and we love it because it gives you the option to lay your baby flat or at an incline. There are locks if you don't want it to move and a vibrating function. Rowan has slept in this beside our bed the first month because I'm too nervous to have him downstairs in his crib overnight just yet.

I know many of you are expecting so I hope this helps! Anyone have other things to add? If you have questions feel free to ask!


  1. a month already?!!? time is going by way too fast! great post! i wish i knew about the graco little lounger before i registered for the rock n play... i wish ours locked in place. hopefully it wont be an issue! I'm excited to use my solly baby wrap! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  2. Great list!! We've got the Aden blankets and the solly ready to go! I do need to get some sort of gear like you've suggested though, I haven't decided on what yet!

  3. a month next week!?! Definitely read this super closely! :) Thanks mama! xx

  4. Wow, I basically opened, in a new tab, every single thing here so I can make sure I have it or will be getting it! Thanks so much for sharing! A month- you're kidding!!

  5. Time sooo flies! Hope you two can make it to lunch this weekend. I'll offer to hold him while you eat, just sayin ;)

  6. Thanks for sharing! My sister in law is expecting in July, you just gave me awesome ideas for gifts! :)

  7. Boppy liners for the WIN!! Girl or boys doesn't matter - blowouts and pee are a real thing! Haha! You're so right the first two weeks are all about SURVIVAL!!

  8. Wow, I can't believe he's a month! My baby is a week and it's going too fast for me. I love this newborn stage. You've got some great pics listed.

  9. I love these posts and always save them for when we have a babe of our own!!! Sounds like you're doing great, mama!!

  10. We have the swaddle blankets, wubbanub, the Gerber cotton diapers for spit ups, and Mamaroo that you mentioned above. I'm looking into those side snap body suits and Covered Goods items right now! THANK YOU for the tips! 8 days from my due date. COME ON, ALREADY, CONNER!!!!!

  11. The time goes by so fast...but the nights seem so long! Our little girl is a month tomorrow! We've been trying to get her to like the pacifiers but have difficulty keeping it in her mouth. I'll have to try the wubbanub!
    He is adorable, you're doing a great job mama!

    1. Thank you so much! That was Rowan's issue at first too! I think they are just too small to hold onto them at first :)


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