Friday Favorites

Happy Friday, friends!

I wish I could say I was blogging from Florida today but our plans changed abruptly when the hubs threw out his back! The good news is he is getting better and I'll have some extra time to clean this hot mess of a house and organize every closet (nesting is in full force). 

Linking up with Christina, Darci, April, Natasha and Amanda!

Favorite Link: A Letter to my Pre-Mom Self

I stumbled across this link yesterday and I cannot recommend it enough for fellow mamas and even those planning to start a family soon. She talks about what to expect from your body, your marriage, your home, and life in general after baby arrives. It was uplifting and provided perspective, plus I think she was talking about me with the popcorn and Icee in Target.

Favorite Lunch: Grilled Brie and Apple Sandwich

Photo and Recipe (I didn't follow it exactly) via Kailley's Kitchen

Absolutely loved this sandwich for lunch this week so I had to share! I made it like I would any other grilled cheese but with sourdough bread. It was basically the size of my face... no shame here. Don't call the prego police, the brie was pasteurized and is safe once you cook it up!

Favorite Accessory: Gold iPhone 6 and Clear Case

I've been loving my new iPhone but have been super terrified I would drop it. If you're in the market for a new case, this one is a great silicone material and you can still see the pretty color of your phone! 

Favorite Holiday Link-Up

You know I love anything festive, so I was super excited to join some lovely blogger friends (Lisa, Katie, and Annie) to co-host a holiday link-up series! You can post about pretty much anything Halloween, Thanksgiving, and Christmas-related on the third Tuesday of each month! Feel free to share a favorite festive recipe, gift ideas, holiday outfit, decor, etc. Can't wait to see what festive ideas y'all come up with!

That's all I've got today, stay tuned Monday for a little giveaway for the mamas or anyone looking for some baby shower gift ideas!

I hope you all have a fabulous and gorgeous Fall weekend!


  1. Ohh that grilled brie and pear sandwich sounds amazing! I LOVE brie! And that iPhone case is so cute. Too bad I still have the 5 LOL! Happy Friday!

    <3, Pamela

  2. That holiday link up sounds like fun - thanks for sharing! Happy Friday!

  3. Yay for the link up! So excited! And I will definitely be trying that sandwich... the brie + pear combo sounds delicious! Happy Friday -- hoping your husband is feeling better soon :)

  4. I've just recently become a brie fan so that sandwich sounds amazing!! Excited for your new link-up - such a great idea!

  5. Looking forward to your Linkup series!! Great idea!! :) Enjoy your weekend!!

  6. Excited for the linkup! And that sandwich looks absolutely amazing! Hope your husband feels better soon! Have a great weekend!
    xo Southern Style

  7. Thanks for sharing about the holiday linkup! Definitely something I'll take part in :) and that sandwich looks delicious


  8. I love the idea of a holiday link up - it's definitely going on my little blogging calendar!! Thanks for sharing. That sandwich on sourdough also sounds AMAZING!! Happy Friday!

  9. Sorry to hear about your hubby, glad he's feeling better though. That linkup sounds fun, I'll have to brainstorm :)

  10. Ahhhh Brie!!! It gets me every favorite!!! xx

  11. That sandwich looks amazing!! I'm glad y'all stayed this weekend! Can't wait for the link up!

  12. Sorry your trip is postponed! But yay for some relaxing time and productive time at the house:) so excited for y'all's linkup, so fun!!

  13. ANY sandwich with Brie is a win for me!!! Happy weekending, girlfriend! <3

  14. I love the new link-up idea! Your sandwich, those pumpkins...perfection. Off to read the letter now and hope I don't cry! Happy weekend lady :)

  15. That sandwich - yum!! Excited for the linkup!

  16. mmm that sandwich!! It's just so...pretty!! haha Great letter! Hope ya'll have a fabulous weekend! xoxo

  17. I am loving my new iPhone too! Can't wait for the holiday link-up -so fun! Happy Friday! :)

  18. OMG Grilled Brie and Apple Sandwich! It's calling my name.

  19. So excited for the link-up party and I need to try a brie and apple sandwich. I'm brie obsessed and that looks so delicious.

  20. If anyone calls the prego police over a cheese or deli sandwich, send them my way and we'll have some words ;)

  21. That letter to your pre-mom self is so true-every word! Especially the part about your whole life being different. It's amazing how much parenthood changes you. That brie and apple sounds delicious- I might need to try that!! I eat all the soft cheese all the time, it's fine if it's pasteurized. I can't wait for the fall link up- love to see how everyone decorates

  22. I need that sandwich in my life asap! And y'all's link up sounds super fun!

  23. I bought that exact case......for my phone that still hasn't arrived!!! boooooooooo

    Thanks for linking up girl! Hope you had a great weekend!


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