Friday Favorites

Hello Friday! I hope y'all had a great week!

Anyone else so busy this week that you replaced your lunches with oreos (and almost finished the entire bag) even though you really don't like oreos? No? Just me?! Moving on...

I'm linking up with Christina and April, as well as Lauren for some Friday favorites... easily my favorite post of the week!

ONE. Clothing purchases.

I broke my Lent promise (is that even what you call it? #badcatholic) and purchased some Spring favorites from where else but J. Crew Factory. They were on super sale, I basically had to get them! (P.S. Also loving this blouse with a little bit of an open back!)

Blouse. Button Down. Dress.

I feel like I did a pretty good job not buying clothes until now... I mean, we were in Paris and I managed to pass up lots of pretty clothes there so that has to count for something.

TWO. Smashbox Camera Ready BB Cream Eyes

I finally found something to hide those dark circles! I had a sample of this stuff and loved it so I had to pick up a full size version. It covers really well without looking cakey, and it blends with the rest of my foundation.

THREE. Afternoon essentials / H&M Swimsuits

Sweet Tea. Sunnies. Lipgloss. Chocolate covered Oreos. Easy reads.

Now that Spring is here (Hello, 85 degrees here this week... eek!) I've really loved taking a quick 20 minute lunch break outside with Ruby. She wanders while I sip some sweet tea and catch up on blogs or peruse Pottery barn catalogs, pretending like I can buy everything in it.

I got this H&M catalog this week though and really loved some of the swimwear, especially this scalloped option and this neon floral one. They may not cover up all your lady parts unless you're size 0 though, its hard to tell...

FOUR. Spring Wreath.

I managed to put together this wreath for Spring, it was a quick project with little effort because I've been so busy lately, but I'm loving the colors! I made it pretty similar to how I made my Fall wreath... you know, basically sticking hot glue on everything and calling it a day!

FIVE. Europe Recaps.

Thank you all for the sweet comments on my Rome recap posts! If you missed them, you can see them here and here. I've still got a few cities left to recap so I'll work our way through more next week! Last night I remembered we took some videos too, so here is my favorite from Venice, edited with the 8mm app!

Anyone else notice how tilted the gondola was? Steve was on that side, we cracked up about it the whole time.

I hope you all have a fab weekend! We've got friends coming over for the Gator basketball game and since I'm only slightly interested in basketball but very interested in food, I've got a big menu for all 4 of us. Homemade salsa, chicken and beef kabobs, and creamsicle cake! Now if you'll excuse me, I've got a few more oreos to finish off...


  1. I'm totally loving all of your J.Crew purchases... can't pass up a good deal on polka dots, stripes or bright pink :)

  2. The J Crew factory striped dress looks super cute! Even though you did break your lent promise it was all for good things! You'll have to teach me how to make one of those wreaths. I was just thinking the other day I needed a new one. Tell me what I need and ill bring it over! Looking forward to the creamsicle cake!!

  3. ahhh i want that dress! so cute!! loving that wreath too. you are so creative!
    xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  4. I've been looking for a change for under my eyes from Erase Paste for a while - happy to hear you like that one!! Hope you enjoy the weekend and Go Gators!!

  5. Thank you for the concealer recommendation! I've been on the hunt for the perfect one for awhile. Can't wait to read more about the rest of your trip! I think I mentioned we did a similar trip (Venice/Rome/Florence) a few years ago, so it's fun to see everything again! Have a great weekend!

  6. Hello + Happy Friday from the link up :) Loving the J.Crew goodness! Your wreath is super cute! Nicely done ;) I enjoyed a few days in Venice years ago while traveling through Europe, but never made it to Rome. Looking forward to checking out your recap! Loved the gondola vid! Ah, Italy! *Happy sigh* ... Have a fabulous weekend!!

  7. Your just adorable.....!!

  8. Such a cute little striped dress! And your wreath looks great, you mini Martha, you ;) Have a fun weekend with your guests! Looking forward to lots of food pics on Monday ha

  9. Loving your purchases and your afternoon essentials. The wreath is adorable too, I made a similar one a couple years ago :) Have a good weekend girl!

  10. Replies
    1. Thank you!! I had to fight with that thing a little but it worked out!

  11. Love that striped dress! And your video. So fun!

  12. I absolutely love that wreath and I'm going to check out your tutorial and go to work with my favorite craft essential aka glue gun. Go GATORS!!!

  13. My wreath still has Christmas decor on it...uh oh. Perhaps she will get a sunny spring update this weekend!

  14. Love that wreath girl + heading to look at H&M swimsuits now! Xx.

  15. Ooh I love the jcrew purchases... Especially the dress!

  16. You totally made me go to the H&M site and check out their swimwear...I've never had a swim suit from there before, but they have some cute ones for super cheap. I think I'll be taking a trip to the store soon to check them out!


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