So I joined the 30-club...

Hi, friends! I hope 2017 is treating you all well!

You know how everyone is like, hey look how organized I am now? Well, I think I'm on a two week delay with the whole new years motivation thing.

I partly blame my birthday anxiety.

This past weekend I officially joined the 30-club and Rowan turns TWO (!) in a month, and I just cannot. I cannot wrap my head around how quickly the years go by with a kid. Someone make me get it together already, will you?

I haven't talked about it much on the blog, but I think its obvious that I needed to step back. Social media was draining me and it felt like my time was spread too thin. I really wanted to disconnect so I could soak up all of the good happening in this fun stage of our lives. And I have to say, it felt so good!

But I missed it here! So let's catch up, shall we?

+ After Christmas we made the 11-hour road trip north to visit family. Rowan slept approximately 30 minutes each way, so that was fun.

We woke up with a dusting of snow at my parent's house so naturally I'm thinking, "R's first snow day! He is going to love this!"

However, as most toddlers do, he had different plans. He was tolerant of the big puffy coat but drew the line at adorable toddler Hunter boots. You know when toddlers make their bodies floppy like rubber and raise their legs up higher than you thought was physically possible so you can't put them down? Yep. We finally caved and let him wear his Sperry shoes, a hat that was too small (but he insisted), and let him play with the shovel on the porch without having to walk in the grass. 1 - Toddler, 0 - Us. 

+ My boys got me a new camera for my birthday! I'm still learning to use it but love it so much already! I really hope to turn photography into a little side gig so I'm really excited to learn and practice more this year. That said, I've had a ton of questions about my equipment so I'm planning a post this week!

+ My girlfriends and I are planning a trip to Austin for a joint 30th birthday hurrah! I've heard so many good things so we're all excited! Hoping we can squeeze in a trip to Magnolia Silos too while we're there. If you have any recommendations for Austin I'd love to hear them!

+ I function best when I'm busy and love a good to-do list, but somehow prioritizing myself rarely happened in 2016. As a mom I think its really easy to forget about ourselves, but the gym, a manicure, and a few girls-only brunches need to be closer to the top of my list from now on. Hoping Emily Ley's book will give me a bit of motivation too!

+ Rowan refused to get his haircut on Saturday, leaving me almost in tears of embarrassment from the fit he threw. Does anyone else have a toddler who hates haircuts? We've tried the place my husband goes and a kid's salon but it doesn't seem to matter. His hair is starting to look like a mop!

This is my busy time with work but I'm hoping to make a consistent appearance in this space again, so I'm preparing myself for late nights and extra coffee in the morning. Thanks for sticking around during my little vaca!


  1. Yay! Happy birthday! So fun that you're going to Austin. I would totally love to visit the Magnolia Silos so please make sure to snapchat a lot so I can live it through you lol!
    Evelina @ Fortunate House

  2. Welcome to the 30 club! I love your toddler melt down recaps... I can so relate! Don't you love this 'terrible 2' phase?! And I am also loving Emily Ley's book! So glad I picked it up! Good luck on the photography side gig! I always love your photos!

  3. I turned 30 on Thursday! I am hoping to get to Austin & Magnolia as well this year! xx, I'm Fixin' To

  4. Happy belated Birthday!!! Oh the toddler tantrums... I can relate! Sometimes I just remind myself to "pick my battles".... ;)


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