Friday Favorites

Hi, friends! And hellllo Friday!

I admit I have had no idea what day it is this entire week. I was so off that yesterday I snapped about how excited I was it was Friday and then realized it was not actually Friday. Yikes

Now that I finally have my ducks in a row, I thought it was high time I show my face here and share some of my favorites from the week!

I have never been a huge fan of Halloween but since having Rowan its been fun getting into it a little more each year. Now that he is more aware, he has been loving all of his Halloween books (Little Blue Truck Halloween is the current fave) and I'm having fun adding some decor to his playroom! Target Dollar Spot has been on point with the Halloween goodies! 

Also, I'm currently working on his costume! I picked up two polos, one yellow and one white and I have to deconstruct them this weekend. Any guesses on what he's going to be?!

In other non-Halloween related news, I thought this roundup of 9 new Instagram features you may have missed was so helpful! 

Loving this Candelles Pumpkin Roll candle so, so much. It's like I'm baking something with pumpkin without doing any work. 

And since I obviously have this thing with neutral Fall decor this year, this simple Fall home tour might be my favorite. I love how simple but beautiful the mantel is. And now I miss having a mantel!

We're planning another low key weekend so I can paint the dining room, probably add to my white pumpkin collection (I may actually have a problem), and take Rowan to a fun play date! Side note: I'm beginning to think I will never be done painting in this house.

What are your plans this weekend? Anyone else already have your babe's Halloween costume in the works?


  1. Love all the holiday books :) Happy Friday Chelsea @

  2. How cute is Rowan in his Halloween PJs?! I'm dying to know what his costume is going to be! I am struggling trying to think of good ideas for the boys. And I love that neutral fall home tour! You can never have too many white pumpkins! :)

  3. I cant wait to see Rowan's halloween costume! It's going to be so cute :) Have a great weekend and good luck with the paiting. xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  4. I'm guessing a minion. Can't wait to see it! Hats off to you for constructing it yourself! I promised myself I was not going to wait till the last minute to get Logan's costume this year, but Michael and I can't seem to agree on one. #firstworldproblems Hope you have a great weekend! Beep Beep boo!

  5. I need costume help! I feel guilty not dressing up my 16 mo (who goes to bed at 6:45 and refuses to wear anything on his head..) so I'm stumped as far as costumes go!


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