Life Lately

Hi, friends!

I cannot believe that two weeks have gone by and I have not been able to dedicate some time to this space! I didn't intend to take a little break but we've been traveling, getting used to more solo parenting with my husband's work travel, and dealing with summer colds and things like an e. coli infection for Rowan.

Yes, you read that right. I'm pretty sure we're the only people that get an insane amount of viruses and obscure sicknesses, especially in the summer, but I think we may all be on the mend. Praise hands.

We just got back from a week visiting family in Pittsburgh and I've got a mountain of laundry and mile-long to do list, so I'm dealing with it the best way I can... caffeine. It was a much needed visit complete with Fall weather and grandparents to help wrangle my toddler, but it feels good to be home.

I've got a full calendar coming up for the blog though and I'm so excited to get back into the swing of things! Hope you all had a wonderful weekend!


  1. What a beautiful shot of Rowan!! Glad yall are feeling better over there!

  2. Day care germs are the worst. Logan has had some random things too! Glad you're all getting back to normal. And traveling husband over here too! Cheers to all the caffeine. xo


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