Spring Wishlist

Now that I'm done nursing and most of my blouses just hang on me (due the boob shrinkage detailed here), I've been going back and forth about doing my first ever capsule wardrobe. I'm not totally sold but I think the idea behind it - weeding out the items in your closet that don't fit right, you rarely wear, or just bought because it was on super sale but aren't totally in love with - might be just what I need to refresh my closet this Spring.

Clearly I'm not a fashion blogger and since I work from home, comfort is key. I've been loving basic, versatile and quality pieces with a wildcard like this embroidered dress mixed in, for the rare date night or brunch with the girls. Also you know I can't pass up navy and white stripes, so this is currently my go-to dress.

Rag & Bone Jeans (40% off!). (Also love this color, which are also 40% off). So I admit I was really skeptical of any jeans that cost more than the usual $40 I'll shell out for a good sale at J. Crew or even less at Old Navy. I've learned that when it comes to skinny jeans especially, the quality and cost-to-wear ratio is so worth it! No more washing after every wear because they stretch out and give me a saggy mom butt.

ASOS Embroidered Dress. Love the embroidered detail and sleeves.

Converse. Typically I'm a boat shoes kind of girl but I love these with jeans and a tee for errands or travel days.

Kendra Scott Pendant. I'm in need of a new pendant and love the look of this without the tassel on the classic Rayne pendant.

Pineapple Dish. Catch all for jewelry or all of the 5000 bobby pins I have laying around the house.

GiGi New York Crossbody. Basically Spring perfection and the quality is always on point with GiGi. This would be perfect to wear wine tasting in Napa!

J. Crew Garment-Dyed Tee. The most comfy basic tee ever. I can't have enough of them!

I'm also officially in countdown mode for Napa and I'm really trying to outfit plan to avoid overpacking. Currently on the hunt for a maxi dress or some kind of floral to wear while I'm there. If you have any recs send them my way!

Okay tell me, what's on your Spring wishlist? Anything else I should have my eye on?! 


  1. I think I want everything on your list :)

  2. First, I need that cross body...in more than one color..perfect for Spring! And I total agree with you on the jeans! A couple of years ago, I wouldn't spend a dime over Old Navy's prices on jeans and I was seeing the results. Jeans that didn't last and didn't even really fit properly to begin with. I finally caved on my first pair of Paige Denim skinny jeans and it was worth every penny! The fit, length, and feel are perfect!

  3. I love the things that you've picked out! That dress would be perfect for any time you want to dress up a little bit.

  4. Love that mint bag... SO perfect for spring! And that tee looks so comfy!

  5. Great round up! I agree about the skinny jeans, totally worth the $! I am loving that ASOS dress!

  6. I love J Crew v-necks!! They're the best! I'm a boat shoes kinda girl too but I'm really liking the look of white converses with skinny jeans slightly rolled!

  7. I'm in love with that crossbody! And I'm still in denial over my current jean size and will be purchasing Old Navy crappy ones until I'm ready to accept it. lol. So jealous of your Napa trip!

  8. Well you made me want things on your list so I had to buy them! Whoops!

  9. Awesome picks, mama. Love me some converse! xx

  10. love that embroidered dress!!! and try madewell for jeans, they are pricey but I LOVE my new pair. xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  11. Obsessed with that white dress!! I may have to pick that up.. for June, ha. I will say that being pregnant has limited me to about 10 things that I can wear/that fit and I kind of love it. It makes getting dressed SO much easier every day, so I'm now allll about the capsule wardrobe idea!

  12. I can't wait to hear all about your trip in Napa! Sounds like so much fun!

  13. You know I love rag & bone jeans! That crossbody is super cute! Now that I'm stopping breastfeeding I'm looking forward to getting some new clothes as well!

  14. great picks. love the pineapple dish

  15. I love Rag & Bone denim! My absolute favorite, I love the fit and the rinse you picked!

  16. I love all these things! I just wrote the Converse shoes down on my wish list for hubs. (I keep a running list of 'things that are good ideas for gifts' for him so that he is never stressed to find gifts.) This one is near the top.


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