Rowan's Birthday Week

All the feels over here this week as my baby turns one. But before I get in to all the excitement going on, there has been a bit of craziness that must be shared.

Cake Stand c/o Minted
I've been a little MIA around these parts because Rowan had his first (and hopefully last) bout with Hand Foot and Mouth disease. He was incorrectly diagnosed with a "cold, ear infection and teething" at a pediatric urgent care center but we later found out it was in his daycare class. I won't get started on how I feel about that doctor. 

If you've ever dealt with HFM before, I am so sorry mama. I feel you. (I found this post helpful if anyone is curious). It's very contagious and makes its way through daycares pretty easily. Rowan's symptoms manifested differently than most babies, he had what looked like razor burn on his legs instead of the typical sores babies have on their hands and feet. He wasn't eating and had a 103 degree fever. It took about 4 days until he started feeling better but we kept him home most of last week to make sure no other babies got sick because of him.

Then my husband got sick. He was also misdiagnosed initially and after a second visit to the doctor, he was diagnosed with a rare adult case of HFM.


As sad as I am, we decided to postpone Rowan's first birthday party. Luckily he is at an age where he won't remember, and he'll still have a party in a couple weeks. I want to make sure we are all 100% healthy and give myself time to disinfect every freaking inch of this house so no one else gets sick too! Crossing my fingers my sore throat isn't the start of it too. Eek!

Thankfully though, Rowan was back to himself this past weekend! He has been such a happy kid and is walking (and falling) all over the place, its both exciting and nerve-racking at the same time. I guess that's parenthood in a nutshell though!

Okay now on to fun things, like Rowan's cake smash session! I've seen a ton of these all over social media but wasn't about to shell out hundreds of dollars with a photographer and crazy backdrops.

Cake Stand c/o Minted
Plus I knew the chances of me taking some good photos at his party would be tough because its always kind of chaotic with other people and kids involved. So I made him a 6 inch cake, with super fancy boxed cake mix and buttercream frosting purchased from the Publix bakery! 

There are so many more I'd love to share but I'll hold off on being that mom. It was a last minute decision to do a mini cake smash session but he loved it so much! Especially now that his party is postponed, I'm so glad we did it!


  1. I cannot believe he's 1 this week!! I swear he was just born. I'm so sorry you've had to deal with HFM disease we haven't had it over here (knock on wood) but a lot of my friends have so I know what it's like. I'm sorry your husband got it too. Even worse. Love, love, love the smash cake photo session! You did a great job. He is just so handsome. As far as the falling goes, especially with boys, once they start walking until 20 months or so they just fall, smash into things, smack their heads all.the.time. Matthew seriously has an egg on his head every week. It's just how they are, busy and fearless! It takes some getting used to but they get the hang of it eventually. Have fun celebrating this week!

  2. He is precious and looking so big!! PS- So glad you blogged about all your nursery plans - I've been stealing tons of ideas for baby boy's nursery!!

  3. Ahh, so glad to hear that he's feeling better. I totally know what you mean about taking good photos during a party. I barely busted out the camera at Emerson's party over the weekend. I would say your cake smash was a success!

  4. Your cake smash photos turned out amazing! They look professional! Glad to hear he is feeling better

  5. Awe sweet babe!!! Good call on postponing that way no one else gets it! Yuck! Love the sweet little cake smash and allowing it to happen on your wood floors -- impressive!

  6. These are precious! I think you did great with the cake and the pictures! That smile in there last one...that needs to be on a canvas on the wall!

  7. Awww what a cutie! Glad he's feeling better!

    xo Jen
    Skirt The Rules

  8. aww these photos are SO cute!! im glad i'm having you take Violets ;)
    FEEL better steve + rowan! and i hope that sore throat of yours doesnt turn into something else. xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  9. Holy crap, how is your baby this age? Crazy! These are really cute pictures, I love the simplicity of it.

  10. These. Are. Adorable. LOVE the idea of doing a cake smash photo shoot yourself before the party! And I seriously can't believe he's almost one already - time flies!! Hope you're all feeling 100% soon!

  11. These pictures turned out fantastic!! So adorable and a great idea so you don't miss pictures at the party. Sorry everyone is so sick and you had to postpone the party

  12. This is such a good idea! Doing it before the party! Now you can relax at his party and not worry about getting the best shot. These pics are so cute! Glad he's feeling better!


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