How I Really Feel About New Years

I have spent approximately zero hours planning, making resolutions, or motivating myself for the New Year.

I am actually shocked I stayed awake until midnight on New Years.

I have taken zero pretty photos, spent less time on social media than usual, and haven't started writing any of the 15 blog posts I have scheduled in my planner.

I crossed one thing off of my growing to-do list this weekend: take our Christmas decorations down. I'm sad to see the house more empty yet I feel liberated reclaiming that space. Plus that's 347 less things to worry about Rowan ingesting.

I haven't thought for a second about the fact that I'm 4 days from celebrating my last year in my 20's or freaking out because my baby is almost one.

Instead... I'm living.

This weekend I soaked up every single ounce of time with my little family. I didn't pull out my big girl camera, but I did take a shitload of super high quality iPhone videos of my husband chasing my son around the house. Those giggles, squeals, and smiles could not have been accurately captured via a pretty photo. And they were what I needed after an emotional holiday, to say the least.

I'm eating all of the carbs and donuts I want.

I sat on the couch and binge watched The Affair instead of cleaning and organizing our house. 

And I feel pretty jazzed about it.

If any of you are with me on the "no resolution/living in the moment" thing, then I'm raising my coffee (or glass of wine, depending on the time of day/behavior of my wild child) to you.

I hope you all had a wonderful New Years! I promise this space won't be neglected any longer- I think I'm ready to get back into the swing of things and suck less at responding to emails :)


  1. Yay for living in the moment & spending time in the present! Happy 2016!

  2. Such a great post! Sure I made some resolutions, but let's be honest... most likely I will not stick with half of them! We've been hibernating too and it's been so wonderful! Enjoy mama!

  3. You are one step ahead of me...I still haven't taken any of my Christmas decorations down. But, I totally agree with you. I have a 2016 goals post sitting in my draft and the first goal is to live in the moment. Hoping this year is one for the books for you!

  4. You got this girl!! Plus hello our trip is coming up!!!

  5. Girl two years ago I had a 6 month old and last year I had a newborn so I haven't actually done/and or followed through on any goals!! I've decided I need to get my sh*t together this year lol! Will I do it, who knows?! You need to just live and enjoy the moment. Time goes by too fast

  6. Your break sounded exactly like mine! Except I haven't tackled the Christmas decor yet. Instead I am trying to ignore it and hope that it magically disappears when I wake up tomorrow :)

  7. Amen to a quiet weekend - we did the same, just the two of us and the pup and I think it was the best break yet!

  8. Cait! This might be my favorite post ever of yours. So candid! And all I kept saying was "Hell yea! Me too! Amen sister!" Haha. Here's to selfcare, slowing down and living in the moment with our loves! :-*

  9. im impressed you guys stayed up until midnight! cheers to Carbs + living :) xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  10. I'm right there with you! For a few days I kept telling myself "I'm so behind" and then just decided I wasn't behind just enjoying my break!

  11. I love your mindset! Happy New Year!


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