Friday Favorites

Happy Friday, friends! Keeping it short and sweet this week, linking up with Christina with my favorites!

1. I'm not sure if its just us but our house is a total catastrophe by the end of the week and this corner of my desk is the only somewhat organized part of the whole house. So much to do with only a couple weeks left before Rowan's birthday party but his Minted invitations came out so perfect! See more of my modern woodland birthday party inspiration here!

2. Remember when I said all of my money goes to Baby Gap? Well, the kids + baby sale has everything at 40 percent off so you better believe I scooped up this little romper for Rowan! Maybe its just me but their Spring line is giving me total girl mama envy, especially this little number.

3. If you haven't seen Emily Ley's Simplicity Challenge, I highly recommend it! For the challenge, she gives you an easy task every day for a month aimed at making your day-to-day life easier. Sometimes I just need that little bit of motivation to get my butt in gear and though I'm a little behind, I'm loving it so far.

4. Have to say kudos to my friend Stephanie on all the big things coming her way. She deserves the recognition for all of her hard work, I honestly don't know how she does it with a toddler in tow!

5. Favorite recipe of the week goes to this crockpot balsalmic pork! So, so good! Anything that my crockpot can cook for me gets bonus points.

Have a great weekend! Can you believe its the last of January!?

The 5 Stages of the Mom Bod

I remember a few months ago I was feeling really jazzed about the fact that I was back to my pre-baby weight, making workout plans, and eating salads. Then the 9-month sleep regression hit and 6 (ish) colds later I am still trying to find the best concealer for the bags under my eyes. 

Don't get me wrong, I'm obsessed with my kid. I scroll through photos of him after he is in bed, send videos of him doing the cutest things ever in the world to poor unsuspecting friends, and can't wait to scoop him up from daycare at the end of the day while simultaneously wondering how the heck stay-at-home-moms do it on a daily basis.

Mamas... We put everything and everyone else first. We scarf our food down so we can feed our offspring before they lose their shit in public. We'll take a solid 20 minutes to get ready instead of the hour it used to take. We haven't shopped the women's section of Gap in months.

But, the mom bod begins to form. And while I'm attempting to embrace it, I'm also trying to convince myself my jeans (which were probably a bit tight pre-baby) will fit like they did in college when I had a killer metabolism.

Photo by Shannon Michele Photography
Behold, the 5 stages of recognizing you have a mom bod and attempting to reconcile with it. 

Stage 1: The Realization

Manicures are few and far between, you've been due for a haircut for months, and the last $300 you've spent was at Baby Gap, Carters, and most likely Amazon Prime. Your kid has a perfect wardrobe but Lord knows you could use a new pair of pants because things have clearly shifted around a bit.

The last time I met girlfriends for brunch my makeup started flawless (well, for my application skills it was pretty good), my hair had some sort of shape, and my outfit was cute. But then I was rushing to get out of the house, got wind burn from 20 mph gusts, and shoved my face with delicious french toast. The result was a puffy, hunched over mom bod in our group photo. Woof.

Stage 2:  Diet reassessment

You went through your pregnancy trying to eat as healthy as possible (with the occasional double-stuffed-Oreo-topped chocolate lava cake), taking your vitamins, and promising yourself you'd be back in those pre-baby jeans in no time.

But then you needed calories for nursing, so you felt like that cake was still justified. Or you dropped the first 20 lbs in a few days post-partum so you figured, it can't be that hard to lose the rest, right?

Months later you find yourself finishing the last 6 or 7 (probably more like 8 if we're being honest here) donut holes "just to get them out of the house." Your diet starts tomorrow.

Stage 3: Deciding its time to workout again

Part one of this stage involves rationalizing the purchase of a hefty new sports bra that will keep the ladies intact while you're still producing milk, or maybe you're one of the lucky ones whose boobs got big and stayed big. (Insert jealous eye roll here).

Part two involves making a really, really motivating playlist. This takes a few days because you've been listening to white noise and Mickey Mouse Clubhouse for too long and have no idea what music is popular these days.

Part three is making a plan. It's written down, the Tone it Up videos are bookmarked, and you're gym membership awaits you.

Stage 4: Reality

Your ladies don't fit in that new sports bra anymore because... weaning. You may already be planning a lift after the second child because this situation is not attractive in any way.

The gym is always on your to-do list but remains the one constant that never gets crossed off. You didn't have time to meal plan so dinner looks like a bowl of cereal.

You've spent all of your energy being a mother, wife, coworker, and/or daughter today... who has time for anything else?

Stage 5: Giving yourself some grace

You made a baby! I mean, you literally grew a human from almost nothing and now he or she is cuddling in your arms like a sweet little angel. Or maybe you just got spit up on, in which case just wipe and go on with your day newborn mamas. You would much rather cuddle that baby, sleep, or have some "me" time with a bottle of wine and a Netflix marathon than go to the gym or pluck your eyebrows.

And that's ok!

I gained 45 pounds during my pregnancy, was asked by one woman if I was having twins, and sometimes I can spot a third chin in photos. Lets not even get into what my old belly button piercing looks like. I'm guilty of buying baggy shirts to hide the pooch and I still wear maternity leggings because they are that comfy. But I've got stretch marks to prove I did something amazing and mom bod or not, he was worth it.

Friday Favorites

Hooray for a short week! It's been a while since I've been around these parts for Friday Favorites so here they are, short and sweet!

ONE. Target

Starting out super basic here, but how cute is that felt mailbox!? I thought it would be fun to use for little Valentine's Day gifts for Rowan in the next few years, as long as it survives beyond next month. He is really into it and loves to pull on the flag up and down. For three bucks, I'm okay with that!

TWO. Napa Valley, here we come!

Random photo that has nothing to do with Napa except for the wine.

Super excited to be planning a trip to San Francisco and Napa Valley in March with some of my favorite blogger friends, Stephanie, Laura, and Natasha! Send any and all recommendations our way! I know I'll be a total wreck leaving Rowan but a ladies weekend and wine are good for the soul.

THREE. Favorite Recent Purchase

J Crew Factory Mixed Media Tee
If you're in the market for a comfy top that can be dressed up or down, this Mixed Media Tee is perfection. I love the blouse material at the bottom and on the back, but it still has the comfort level of a knit. Plus the blush color is on point for Spring!

FOUR. Infant Shoes Help!

Mamas- what are your favorite first shoes for your babes when they start to walk? I know Stride Rites are great but for the price, but I can't find any that I think are remotely cute. Right now Rowan only has one pair of moccs he fits into so I know he needs something!

FIVE. My husband took a good picture!

My husband is used to me getting on his case for taking blurry photos so today I'm being a good wife and giving him a shout out for this one! It's one of my favorite pictures to date!

I hope you all have a fun weekend! Stay warm!

First Birthday Inspiration

I hope you all had a fabulous long weekend! If you haven't noticed yet, the blog got a pretty big face lift on Friday and I'm loving the new, modern look. But bear with me, there are still a few kinks to hammer out!

This weekend I managed to get a little first birthday party prep done so I'm feeling slightly less behind on this whole planning thing.

Honestly I'm in major denial that my baby will be one in less than a month.

At first I didn't understand why people got so emotional over it. Then as I was organizing the clothes he has grown out of last night, it hit me. The newborn clothes. So freaking tiny, it blows my mind.

Anyway, about this first birthday stuff. I was initially just planning to have close friends out to dinner to celebrate since we're far from family, but then mom guilt came knocking and I knew we needed to have a little celebration for him. I mean, your first born only turns one once!

So in an effort to keep it low key, we're doing a brunch full of super easy to prep foods and I think the timing will work well with kids' naptimes.

I'm trying really hard not to go overboard with a theme or decor but since I already planned to get Rowan a teepee for his birthday, this Minted Into the Woods invitation is too perfect and I've been using it as my inspiration. I love the colors and think its perfect for a boy's winter birthday!
Minted Felt Garland, Minted Invitation, Cake Topper, Teepee,
Cake Inspiration via Style Me Pretty

So far the menu includes fruit skewers, silver dollar pancake stacks, donut holes, and my favorite... fried chicken and waffle bites. Throw in some cake and that is a party I can get on board with!

So what do y'all think? Has anyone had a brunch birthday party and how did it go?!

Life Lately

Hi friends!

I didn't mean to be MIA lately, I really miss this space! At the risk of sounding like a broken record, Rowan is sick again and I'm having back problems so its been quite a week.

Toy Bin c/o Petit Pehr (LOVE it!). Leggings. Wood Truck.
I also realized this space has been a bit neglected and I've got a few things up my sleeves this weekend, including a new look, a new series that I hope you'll love, and I'll be sharing some first birthday party prep! Cue the ugly cry from this mama!

If you're curious to see what we're up to until then make sure to follow on Instagram and Snapchat (HomeSweetRuby). And thanks for putting up with my bad blogger status! 

The Husband-Proof Diaper Bag

There are a few things you should know about my current diaper bag situation... assuming you're interested in this sort of thing.

I often have to pack sunblock and winter hats for the same day. Consequently I pack way too much stuff.

At any given moment there is a pacifier in at least 4 separate pockets due to my son's newfound hatred for his car seat and subsequent screaming if we even think to consider a car ride without one. The nerve.

And despite my stellar organization skills, this bag is apparently husband-proof. Now I'm not sure if this is a common theme among diaper bags in general, but consider yourself warned that your husband may or may not be able to find anything in it. Ever.

Anyway, I've had quite a few requests to see how I pack my bag, so here it is in all of its overpacked glory.

Elizabeth Bag c/o Lily Jade
Despite it being January and all, I've been forced into an all-weather packing situation. With temps in the 80's last week (eye roll), I've not only been forced to include sunscreen and a bucket hat but also the beanie and socks for when old man winter decides to get with the program. But the positive is you get to see how much stuff you can really fit in here.

The interior insert holds all of this and then some...

My stuff generally gets thrown in the center of the bag with my cell phone, keys and chapstick in one of the end pockets.

Besides the pacis and the obvious diapers and wipes, other things I can't function without when toting around my almost 11-month-old are: disposable bibs and placemats, our Covered Goods nursing cover for using on shopping carts and high chairs (I generally nurse in the car or bring a bottle if I need to), and hand sanitizer because I'm suddenly a germaphobe.  

We also always have a veggie pouch and puffs with us. Tell me I'm not the only one that just continually feeds my kid to keep him happy in his highchair at restaurants?!

Full transparency: the Elizabeth bag comes with a red changing mat which I only used when Rowan was smaller. Since my kid seems a bit more squirmy than your average baby, I've had to switch to a larger changing pad.

The only downside I can think is sometimes I even confuse myself with which pocket I've put things in. First world problems, I know.

My favorite part? I think I can maintain my cool mom status with this kind of diaper bag.

Mamas of toddlers, what are your must haves for in your diaper bag? I'm sure I'll have to repack this thing pretty soon!

See more of my thoughts on traveling with the Lily Jade Elizabeth Bag here!

How I Really Feel About New Years

I have spent approximately zero hours planning, making resolutions, or motivating myself for the New Year.

I am actually shocked I stayed awake until midnight on New Years.

I have taken zero pretty photos, spent less time on social media than usual, and haven't started writing any of the 15 blog posts I have scheduled in my planner.

I crossed one thing off of my growing to-do list this weekend: take our Christmas decorations down. I'm sad to see the house more empty yet I feel liberated reclaiming that space. Plus that's 347 less things to worry about Rowan ingesting.

I haven't thought for a second about the fact that I'm 4 days from celebrating my last year in my 20's or freaking out because my baby is almost one.

Instead... I'm living.

This weekend I soaked up every single ounce of time with my little family. I didn't pull out my big girl camera, but I did take a shitload of super high quality iPhone videos of my husband chasing my son around the house. Those giggles, squeals, and smiles could not have been accurately captured via a pretty photo. And they were what I needed after an emotional holiday, to say the least.

I'm eating all of the carbs and donuts I want.

I sat on the couch and binge watched The Affair instead of cleaning and organizing our house. 

And I feel pretty jazzed about it.

If any of you are with me on the "no resolution/living in the moment" thing, then I'm raising my coffee (or glass of wine, depending on the time of day/behavior of my wild child) to you.

I hope you all had a wonderful New Years! I promise this space won't be neglected any longer- I think I'm ready to get back into the swing of things and suck less at responding to emails :)
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