From Our Family to Yours...

Merry Christmas and happy holidays from our family to yours!

Friends- I am sorry for the radio silence over here! It's been a whirlwind of a week (or two- I can't keep track of the days).

Part of that silence is because the world lost a beautiful person this week, my grandmother. Rowan won't remember her but I will remember for him how much she loved him and the rest of our family.

So this Christmas I'm hugging my family, my husband, and my sweet baby boy tighter than ever.

I hope that you all get to spend the holidays surrounded by those you love!


  1. So very sorry for your loss. I hope you enjoy the holidays, as hard as that might be. Thinking of your family during this time. xoxo

  2. I'm so sorry, friend. Sending so much love + prayers to your family right now. Hope you guys are able to still have a merry Christmas with that little cutie! :)

  3. Prayers of peace to you, sweet friend! And Merry Christmas!!! I'm so glad your grandmother got to meet Rowan and that you'll cherish and remember their time together always! xx

  4. Merry Christmas, sending all the love, hugs and prayers my way for your family. Sorry for your loss, I hope you manage to enjoy the holiday as much as you can. Life is too short and I will definitely be holding my family a little closer and tighter this season now!

  5. So very sorry, Cait - prayers for you and your sweet fam <3

  6. Thinking of you sweet girl!! Merry Christmas <3

  7. thinking of you and your family cait!
    merry christmas. xo jillian - cornflake dreams


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