Fa La La La

Life has been crazy busy the past week so I just wanted to pop in and share some photos of our Christmas decor! Since its our first Christmas in our new home and Rowan's first Christmas, I was so excited to go super traditional with the colors.

I was going crazy trying to finish decorating for a little Christmas party we had this past weekend with our friends and their babies. Despite the smoke detectors going off twice and my husband telling me Christmas music was not allowed because the NFL games were on (insert eye roll here), it was so much fun! Nothing like giving myself a little pressure to finish decorating. 

I'd like to say we have a perfectly styled coffee table or side tables, but the reality is my child will demolish any and all decor attempts. He is even starting to remove the corner guards on our DIY coffee table so I guess we'll be covering all wood furniture with rubber and bubble wrap.

Joking... Kind of.

Also if you've been around long enough you know I love me some DIY holiday decor but this year I just haven't had time so I stuck with my plaid tablecloth pillow and this DIY no-sew deer pillow

Stockings. Garland (Michael's Arts & Crafts).
Pillow (Home Goods).

DIY Christmas Tree Bow Tutorial
I actually decorated two trees- a faux one with only gold and silver ornaments which I neglected to take a photo of (I'll blame that one on mom brain... will share later this week!) and a live tree with all of our family ornaments.

Mercury Glass Christmas Tree. Faux Boxwood Plant. Winter Wonderland Printable.
I'm obsessed with these new DIY shelves in our kitchen area. More on these later this week!

And as promised, I decorated Rowan's nursery. However changing his diaper is like wrestling an alligator so putting a mini tree on his dresser was a big fat negative. I had to keep side table decor to a minimum for the same reason. He also noticed the garland I hung above his rocking chair and he wasn't a fan so we had to take that down. High maintenance over here!

Reindeer Knit Doll.
The music box was a gift from my grandma years ago when I was in high school. I used to keep it in my room and now I love having it in Rowan's room!

Cutest smocked PJs ever via Smocked Threads
Rowan has mostly left the Christmas trees alone but he is getting more and more gutsy so I don't think I'll be singing that tune for much longer. He is at the sweetest age right now, I wish he could stay this little forever!

If you saw on Instagram, Rowan will need tubes in his ears after his 4th ear infection in 2 months. I wanted to share that while on Instagram and this blog I try to stay positive and share festive photos, it's kind of my coping mechanism. It's not all pretty over here and I've been struggling to stay positive through all of the health (and sleep) struggles we've had.

So there's that. I just thought y'all should know our house is usually a train wreck and I've been buying extra concealrer for the bags under my eyes! And now that the babe is asleep, I'm off to have a little bit of this!


  1. Your house is beautiful and I love the traditional decor! I especially love the buffalo plaid! Hopefully the tubes will help with his ear infections and maybe that will help his sleep. Stay strong :)

  2. Love love love and those PJS are perfection! xo

  3. It looks beautiful gal!!! It's so hard to find the time these days, but it's always nice once we do. Now you get to smile at all those beautiful decorations for the entire month :)

  4. It looks so good!!! Seriously, I would never know you had an adorable little infant crawling around making a huge mess ;) You do a good job hiding it. I'm sorry Rowan needs to get tubes :( I know that's scary as a mama but I've heard from my friends who have been through it that they are game changers- no more ear infections ever. So fingers crossed! Also if you ever want to commiserate about sleep I'm free to listen- Miller is almost 2.5 and still doesn't sleep through the night more than 2 nights a week!!! Matthew on the other hand sleeps 12 hrs a night and takes 3 hrs worth of naps a day!!! So there is hope for your second ;)

  5. Love all the festive christmas decor! Hang in there regarding health/tubes.

  6. The tree over here is like GOLD to Presley! We have those DIY restoration hardware shelves in our bathroom! Love it!

  7. so gorgeous, great job! love all those pillows! I've been holding off buying xmas throw pillows since I currently have throw pillows out the ears and my husband may kill me butttt you may've just pushed me over the line to head to home goods :) Can't wait for the post on the shelves!

  8. Your Christmas decor is gorgeous! And I'm loving those little smocked PJs!! #hearteyes

  9. Beautiful house and decorations!! Prayers for Rowan and his procedure. I hope tubes help him tremendously so momma and baby can get some sleep ;)

  10. Love your pillows.

  11. Your house is so pretty all decorated for Christmas! & the little smocked pajamas? Precious.

  12. The house looks great! I've heard getting the tubes is hard on the parents, but TOTALLY worth it!! You will do great, and so will Rowan :)

  13. Love all your decorations! I ordered those same stockings too. :) Also, Logan got tubes just a couple months ago (at 6 months) after 4 rounds of ear infections. It's tough thinking about your baby going through surgery without you, but it's so quick and makes a world of difference! Good luck mama. If you have any questions about it let me know!

  14. i love your decorations!! both of your trees are beeeautiful! i hope rowan feels better soon. xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  15. I love your decorations! They're beautiful! I used your bow tutorial to make 2 bows for our garland! Hope Rowan feels better soon - he'll do great in the procedure :)

  16. Your house looked so nice on Sunday! Theo says he may want to attempt a DIY coffee table like Steve so I'm all for that! Poor Rowan! :( Just know that once it's all over with no more ear infections or shots stuck in legs, well hopefully not!
    Ally- Life as I know it

  17. YESSSS to 2 tree likemindedness. Love it!!!!!!! :)

  18. Your house looks beautiful! Praying for good health and lots of sleep for your family! -Trish

  19. Your house is beautiful and I especially love your festive pillows! Sending my love to Rowan and hoping his ear infections clear up!


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