Rowan's Baptism

This weekend I put on heels, (tried) to hide my receding hairline, ate my weight in dessert, and hosted 25+ friends and family at our home all in honor of Rowan's baptism.

Being so far away from both sides of the family, we did not expect to have such a huge crowd of people there to celebrate with us and it made the day oh so perfect! Rowan was a total ham all weekend, he is at such a fun stage right now!

We took tons of family photos but I dropped the ball on taking photos during the party. And somehow I didn't take a photo of my son by himself in his adorable smocked baptism romper! Mom fail. I did take a few photos of the food though... I guess I need to adjust my priorities?

I whipped up three batches of buttercream frosting mere minutes before the first non-family guests arrived, so needless to say there were no pretty rose cupcakes but they were still delicious.

Of course it was hot as balls so no one stepped outside the house during the party to play lawn games, but I couldn't blame them. Thank goodness my kid has a winter birthday now that we are Southerners.

I felt like I was in party prep mode all last week so as special as this past weekend was, I'm glad I can finally put my feet up and put a dent in some of the leftover wine. I hope you all had a fab weekend!


  1. Happy baptism to Rowan! Glad you had a great weekend with your family!

  2. Oooo what are those chocolate peanut but looking things? Also, insert laughing with tears emoji at "hot as balls"

  3. All those cakes look delicious. I am sure you were the perfect hostess!

  4. Love the spread!! You are a cupcake pro. Where did you get your cute cake holder and those cute ones the cupcakes are on?? I love all the serving pieces!! Rowan looks adorable. I'm sure his outfit was perfection :)

  5. Happy Baptism to Rowan! I'm so glad Violet finally got to meet her SC boyfriend ;) they were cute. we need to schedule another playdate soon. ALSO please do a recipe post with that peanut butter dessert.. k thanks! xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  6. Everything looks delicious - love the family picture, too!! Glad the weekend went well and so many family members were able to come in and celebrate!

  7. So adorable, happy Baptism!! What are those little sandwiches with the broccoli? They look delicious!!!

  8. Aww such a fun weekend!! Rowan looks so sweet in his Baptismal romper :)

  9. I'm so sad we had to miss it! Rowan looks precious in all white! Like a little Prince George!
    Ally - Life as I know it

  10. How adorable is Rowan!! He's starting to look like a little boy. Your food looks AMAZING!!

  11. Oh, such a special weekend!! Rowan looks adorable and all that food has me drooling!!

  12. You guys look so happy in that picture! Rowan already looks different from a couple of weeks ago, and it sounds like you did a heck of a job hosting your families!

  13. Loved these pictures! Great job on all the hosting! You're fabulous!

  14. Girl, you rocked! I'm so impressed at your cake and cupcakes. I would have just headed to Publix! I love that cake stand...what a great color! And Rowan...what a cutie!


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