
Loving:  A bottle of wine on a weeknight (bonus points if its this rosé sangria), this adorable Baby Aspen shark robe you may have seen Rowan sporting on Instagram, and these gorgeous Day Designer for Blue Sky Planners.

P.S. You can enter to win one of these right here tomorrow!
Loathing: Post-partum hair loss (going on 3 months here... insert all the crying emojis. Also are you sick of hearing about this yet?), searching for a nanny, and the Nordstrom Anniversary Sale! Ugh. If I see fringe booties one more time...

I'll admit though I did make a few purchases, including a pair of booties. I thought maybe I'd hop on that trend like 4 years late. I'm definitely not cool enough to pull off the fringe ones though. 

Looking Forward to: The end of Summer.. because, humidity. And why are we all so busy during the summer? Aren't we supposed to be relaxing with a margarita in hand?

Also I know its a little premature but I got pretty excited when I saw the baby Halloween costumes on PBK's website this week. Holidays with a baby... be still my heart!

Pinning: Homemade baby food recipes. I swore I wouldn't be one of those "all organic for my baby" moms, but it turns out I am, at least in the food department. Homemade purees are actually way easier to make than I expected!

Learning: How to use Snapchat! So I've been using it for a while with my friends and I still have barely any knowledge of what I'm doing. Follow my blog account HomeSweetRuby for a completely unedited glimpse of our daily shenanigans, my favorite spots in Charleston, sneak peeks at new home decor, and maybe a video or two featuring yours truly. #yikes

Giving extra love to
: Our sweet Ruby. She is learning her way around a baby that grabs her fur and tosses toys to the floor with reckless abandon.

Even though she kisses him any chance she gets, I still get the side eye from her most of the day. Once Rowan is in bed though, she comes out of her shell and gets really playful again.

So there is a quick update for y'all! I hope you're having a great week so far.. we're halfway to the weekend!

Linking Up with Natalie & Annie!


  1. I am so ready for summer to end too!! This heat is miserable! So excited we're going to have babies for the holidays this year! And I didn't notice your hair at all so don't stress! Remember you're your worst critic. I mean let's not even get started on my acne filled face!
    Ally - Life as I know it

  2. my hair just started falling out in the shower :( ugh. i hope i dont lose too much. did any of the shirts work for you?! i liked one of mine. wahhhoo calling that a win. and Im SOOOO over summer. there are so many things i want to do outside but i dont want to actually go outside in this heat. xo jillian - cornflake dreams

  3. I'm so glad Miss Ruby is adjusting well to life with Rowan! They are such a cute pair.

  4. Oh man! I can't wait to see baby Rowan this Halloween! I haven't decided what to do for my girls yet but I am SO excited for it!

  5. Sweet puppy! They are adorable together!!! Totally agree about the Nordstrom sale. Ready for it to be o.v.e.r. so I can stop seeing it everywhere I turn!

  6. There is nothing cuter than baby Halloween costumes. Nothing. I hope you'll be blogging about your favorite baby food recipes, because I plan to do that with our son, and I'd love to hear what worked for y'all! I love those planners :)

  7. I love summer but seriously despise how busy we are. We have been home for ONE weekend since Memorial Day! We are doing fun stuff but it's nice to just relax, too!!

  8. Rowan is getting so big and he's super cute!

    ~Ashley @ A Cute Angle

  9. Oh my god. The post partum hair loss is no joke. I didn't really notice it that much until it started growing back in. I now have sideburns and weird tufts of hair across my forehead (10 months post partum). I look hideous. Why did no one ever mention this?

  10. those planners thoooo! So pretty! and hahahahah the nordstrom freaking sale. I got like 900 emails for it and had to unsubscribe. They were driving me nuts! And every other blogger was blogging about it non stop
    xo, Candace | Lovely Little Rants


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