Taking Care of Self

Last week I attempted what I can easily say is the most strict diet and workout regimen I've ever been on.

And technically, I failed.

After feeling increasingly bad about myself over the course of the last few months I needed something to kick my self into gear.

Probably the biggest eye opener for me was how quickly you can pack on the pounds after weaning from breastfeeding if you don't also adjust your eating habits. Towards the end of my breastfeeding journey with R I was only nursing once a day but I had no idea how many calories I was still burning at that point.

Fast forward 4 months and it finally hit me that I've been focusing so much on my son, that my health, self confidence, and appearance had gone downhill. As a mama, its so easy to fall into this kind of rut.

So I decided to try the Tone it Up 7 Day Slimdown.

To summarize in the briefest way possible: you drastically cut carbs (this was a major problem or me pre-slimdown), up your protein and vegetable intake, cut sugars (also a huge challenge for my sweet tooth), and put in 40-90 minutes of workouts per day.

Meal Planner (Prettier versions that I love here and here)
Believe me when I say I set my expectations low for actually following this because, real life. I mean, if there is a mom that can make it to the gym twice a day she deserves a medal.

BUT.... I was hoping it would give me a jump start that I needed to take care of myself better and for that reason I don't think it was a total failure.

What I learned:

1. I was overeating, overdoing the sweets, and severely lacking in the vegetable department. I mean honestly why did I need to eat 3 macaroons instead of one? Did I really just eat 3 pieces of toast for breakfast? Why am I finishing the pancake Rowan left behind?

2. I actually do love to workout. I have always been an athlete. I worked at our gym in college. But the physical act of getting myself to the gym these days seems impossible. There is always a sick or teething babe to tend to, toys to clean up, sleep to catch up on, or a house to clean.

3. I can totally function without carbs after breakfast. Eating a burger without a bun isn't as bad as I thought. Riced cauliflower makes me feel way less terrible after dinner.

4. Meal planning (and prep!) is key. If I don't chop up all of those vegetables when I get home from the store, all hope is lost.

I may have only lost 2 pounds and worked out 4 of 7 days, but I truly think challenging myself with something like this was such a good decision.

Am I going to go sans hamburger bun forever? Heck no! But cutting back has made a huge difference in getting rid of that heavy feeling I get at the end of the day.

And a good sweat sesh on the treadmill, rowing machine, or even at home with a Tone It Up video has been so, so good. It just takes one or two workouts to break out of my slump and realize what I've been missing.

Oh and I also plucked my eyebrows, treated myself to new makeup, and picked up some new summer clothes that make me feel good. I'm still a hot mess most days, but I do try harder now.

Congrats if you made it this far with this post. You're the best. I hope if this does anything it motivates others in a similar place to do what makes you feel good!

Also I would be remiss if I didn't express my sadness over the events in Florida this past weekend. My heart aches for the families and loved ones of those involved. I hate that it's become so political so I'm just going to leave it at that.


  1. good for you cait! it can be SO hard to find time to focus on yourself when you have a family to take care of but i'm impressed with your plan. and you've inspired me to check out my eyebrows-- lord knows they need some plucking.

  2. Once a baby comes it can be so easy to let yourself go. I totally get it now. I think you did great last week! One thing I've always tried to do with myself is to balance out my meals. If I ate a sandwich for lunch, I'll eat a salad for dinner. Doesn't always work out every single day but one day of eating a few too many carbs isn't going to make you fat! And I agree about feeling like crap after eating junk for lunch or dinner. If I eat badly I'll get tired and have a headache a few hours afterwards, not fun!

  3. I think you did a great job! I always want to do the Bikini Series and find that a lot of work... I can only imagine how much work the 7 Day Slim Down is. Hitting 4 of 7 and losing a couple of pounds is definitely a win!

  4. Sounds like you did a great job! I'm still nursing, but working on getting myself in shape over here too. The carbs and sugar - man! Good for you and good luck!

  5. Not a failure at all! Good work! I think it's so hard to find time to workout, so props to you! I am loving this post. Some added motivation to start eating better at the very least.

  6. You go girl for taking some time for yourself & regrouping- those are great takeaways! Inspiring!

  7. Good for you for focusing on yourself. Seriously, that is the hard part about having a baby/toddler/child is that we want to focus all our energy on them and forget to take care of ourselves. If there's one thing I learned throughout this pregnancy, it's how important it is to stay healthy and how what I eat can effect my energy level. And we need all the energy we can get to chase our little ones all day!

  8. Nice job - two pounds in a week is healthy! Keep up the hard work. I schedule my workouts in my calendar every week. Sometimes they might happen at 6 a.m. and other times it might be 2 p.m. either way it helps make them happen. Keep it up!

  9. Love this! I definitely want to try the 7 day slimdown this summer. The only part that scares me is cutting carbs because I live and die by those, haha. And good for you for treating yourself to some new makeup + clothes, you deserve it mama!

  10. Reading what you learned makes me want to make better choices. I totally know I can do it too, but I always have trouble with snacking. Keep up the good work!

  11. Great job putting in the work, girl! I am tempted to try the 7 Day Slimdown. My self-disciple sucks so maybe this is exactly what I need!
    Xo, Evelina @ Fortunate House

  12. Good job! Sounds like it really worked for you and that you learned a lot. Something I try to always do is eat veggies at every meal. I don't always do it for breakfast, but if I have it in my mind then I try to make up for it at lunch or dinner.

  13. Great job! And also, good for you for treating yourself! xo, Champagne&Suburbs

  14. Can you come motivate me? Sugar and I are in a very complex relationship. I try to leave it but it just LOVES me so much. Who am I to deny those feelings?!

  15. I think creating the routine and motivation is the first biggest step to success! Yay for doing that for yourself, you deserve it! I think your totally right about being a Mom and often putting yourself/health/appearance to the side. I've done the same and it's hard to get back into a healthier routine! Keep up the good work!


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